Just Movie it is an app that's recommended movies from TMDB using clean architecture and Unit Tests in your creation.
Access the web app here: Just Movie it
Flutter web, with its beta flag, has already amazing performance and fewer bugs every day. With a bit of effort, this project searches and solves platform problems to have a delightful user experience.
The web page is hosted by Firebase Hosting and the updates occur through the CD of Github Actions with main branch.
- The user can view a list of the recommended movies.
- The user can view an overview of the selected movie.
- The user can sign in to the app
- The user can sign up on the app
- The user can sign in as an anonymous
- The user can save movies in a favorite list
- The user can view a list of movies from different categories.
- The user can view an overview of the selected movie.
The app was created from zero following the Clean Architecture for it to be a maintainable project. The app is divided into 4 layers which have unique functionality.
- Domain: It's the heart of the application. In this layer, are the Business Rule which has the smallest possible coupling of libs.
- Infra: In this layer, implemented the domain contracts and created the contracts which been implemented by the External layer. At the same time is in that layer which the exceptions are handled.
- External: In this layer, are the world external access, in this case, the TMDB API access.
- Presenter: In here are the pages, state management, and widgets of the application.
- Get_it - For the Dependency Injection of the project
- GetX - For the State Management and Route Management of the project
- DartZ - For Functional Programming
- Mocktail - For the unity tests
- Responsive Builder - To create a responsive UI