IMPORTANT: Please specify -gzip
if a file uses GZip + AES, as this tells the program to use the correct padding method (zero padding for GZip + AES, PKCS7 for plain AES). GZ archives decoded with a non-zero padding mode will not open, but can be used to tell you if a file uses GZip in the first place.
- Adds (work in progress) csv detection
- Fixes decryption of non-GZip files (fixes relating to AES padding mode)
- Adds a version number to the help screen
- Refactored and fixed some issues in Cryptography.cs
- Change default file extension for unknown files from
as to not overwrite the original file and to help prevent confusion on if a file is encrypted or not
NOTE: Unlike the previous release, this release runs .NET 6.0 instead of .NET 7.0. This was a change made for compatibility reasons, as .NET 6.0 is much more widely used than .NET 7.0, has long term support, and downgrading does not perceivably affect the functionality of the application. Please use v0.2.1 here instead, as it uses .NET 8.0, which all future releases will be using for the foreseeable future.
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2