A simple Mac app for symbolicating macOS/iOS crash reports.
Supports symbolicating:
- .crash and .ips crash reports
- sample and spindump reports
Includes a command-line interface (MacSymbolicator.app/Contents/MacOS/MacSymbolicatorCLI
USAGE: mac-symbolicator-cli [--translate-only] [--verbose] [--output <output>] <report-file-path> [<dsym-path> ...]
<report-file-path> The report file: .crash/.ips for crash reports .txt for samples/spindumps
<dsym-path> The dSYMs to use for symbolication
-t, --translate-only Translate the crash report from .ips to .crash
-v, --verbose
-o, --output <output> The output file to save the result to, instead of printing to stdout
-h, --help Show help information.
Just clone and build with Xcode 13+
License is GNU GPLv2.
@inket on GitHub/Twitter