Kogara (小柄) is the result of extensive Google Translating variations of the word "short" into different languages, because that's how I like to name my projects. Plus, Kogara sounds pretty damn cool.
This is a hobby project designed to increase my own familiarity with Go, Redis, and Gin. I'm striving to have it become a stable, full-fledged project, but keep that in mind if you decide to use it.
is a simple homepage to shorten links.
displays a simple counter of the times the link has loaded from the server. (It uses a 301 redirect, so browsers will typically aggressively cache the result)
is the redirect itself.
will return a JSON blob revealing the existence of a particular ID. Mainly implemented so if I decide to add custom URLs.
- At present solely generates sequential base62 link IDs.
- At present has no way to administer links beyond directly managing them in Redis.
Does not confirm link existence, or even structure, so you may end up with some weird results.May be vulnerable to XSS, but most browsers reject execution of JavaScript unless it's directly entered by the user into the address bar.