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guilhermesilveira edited this page Feb 6, 2011 · 2 revisions

Here is some feedback Restfulie and VRaptor got from the REST community:

For what it's worth, this is the best approach to REST I've seen, and I am loving trying this out.

I hope Restfulie's creators will be offered a seat on the JSR for JAX-RS 2.0 so that it can earn the “R” in its acronym. And if a mature Ruby version of Restfulie makes it into Rails at some point, that would be nice too.

I think that Restfulie beautifully captures the hypermedia concepts and helps developers build hypermedia applications.

I see a lot of the strength in what you're doing as being a dedicated focus on hypermedia. Restfulie is a provocation. This is the engine of thought and innovation. Software is a social phenomenon: if we have a part, it's made more relevant by your contributions.

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