High-level interface for websockets.
- Splits up receiving and sending into separate threads
- Wires up Ping/Pong for Client and Server
- Uses channels for sending/receiving messages
- URI based API supporting
(for the client) - Simple interface between client and server send/receive types
- Retries connection indefinitely for the client automatically using Stamina
- Handles graceful shutdown for the client
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Typed.Client as WClient
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Typed.Server as WServer
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
-- using cbor as an example, aeson would work too
import qualified Codec.Serialise as Serialise
import Data.String.Conv (toS)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race_)
-- | The types of messages that can be sent from the server to the client
data ServerMessage
= HelloFromServer Text
deriving (Show, Generic, Serialise.Serialise)
-- | The types of messages that can be sent from the client to the server
data ClientMessage
= HelloFromClient Text
deriving (Show, Generic, Serialise.Serialise)
-- | The type of the client application
type MyClient = WClient.Session IO ClientMessage ServerMessage ()
-- | The type of the server application
type MyServer = WServer.Session IO ServerMessage ClientMessage ()
-- How to decode/encode ByteStrings
instance WClient.Codec ClientMessage where
toByteString = toS . Serialise.serialise
fromByteString = Serialise.deserialise . toS
instance WServer.Codec ServerMessage where
toByteString = toS . Serialise.serialise
fromByteString = Serialise.deserialise . toS
options :: WClient.Options
options = WClient.defaultOptions
clientApp :: MyClient
clientApp = do
WClient.send $ HelloFromClient "Hello from client"
clientReceiveApp :: ServerMessage -> MyClient
clientReceiveApp (HelloFromServer msg) = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ toS $ "Received from server: " <> msg
runClient :: IO ()
runClient = do
WClient.run "ws://" options clientApp clientReceiveApp
serverOptions :: WServer.Options MyClientConnection
serverOptions = WServer.defaultOptions {
WServer.handlePendingConnection = handlePendingConnection
data MyClientConnection = MyClientConnection
{ clientConnection :: WS.Connection,
myClientVersion :: Text
instance WServer.ClientConnection MyClientConnection where
getConnection = clientConnection
handlePendingConnection :: WS.PendingConnection -> IO (Maybe MyClientConnection)
handlePendingConnection pendingConn = do
connection <- WS.acceptRequest pendingConn
return $ Just $ MyClientConnection connection "1.0"
serverApp :: MyClientConnection -> MyServer
serverApp _ = do
WServer.send $ HelloFromServer "Hello from server"
serverReceiveApp :: MyClientConnection -> ClientMessage -> MyServer
serverReceiveApp _ (HelloFromClient msg) = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ toS $ "Received from client: " <> msg
runServer :: IO ()
runServer = do
WServer.run "ws://" serverOptions serverApp serverReceiveApp
main :: IO ()
main = race_ runServer runClient