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Joe Huss edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

Topics function as additional help pages that would otherwise be too much to all output on the main help page.

Creating a topic

Create a class that extends from CLIFramework\BaseTopic. The following fields and methods are available to be overridden.

Field/Method Description
public string $title Appears under the TOPIC header.
public function getContent(): string Appears under the DESCRIPTION header.
public string $url If getFooter() is not overridden and an url is specified, a "You may view this topic at $url" footer is generated.
public function getFooter(): string Appears under the MORE header.

Registering a topic

You register topics in an application in the init(): void method.

    $this->topic('key', MyTopic::class);
        ['key2' => MyTopic2::class]
        ['key3' => MyTopic3::class]

Instead of providing a class you can also provide a string identifier. The conversion from id to class is illustrated as follows:


Assuming the application is at the App\ namespace.

testing -> App\Topic\TestingTopic
gettingStarted -> App\Topic\GettingStartedTopic

Note that topic ids should be camelCase. Using 'getting-started' as id would not work, although you could still use it as key like this:

$this->topic('getting-started', 'gettingStarted')

View a topic

Use the key with the help command to show the topic.

php program.php help gettingStarted