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For notes on some technical ideas about scaling this app please, see this doc.

What follows is a living document on setting up this app.

NOTE about emails:

I've set up an app using my personal email and obviously have not committed the password to it:


Pre-reqs - be sure to have 'virtualenv' available from the command line:

virtualenv --version If not install using: pip install virtualenv

  1. Clone repo.
  2. CD into repo directory.
  3. Run (to note the 'venv' virtualenv name is ignored in .gitignore):
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

To install requirements:

(inside VM) pip install -r requirements.txt OR pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Before running the app do the needed DB migrations:

In virtualenv (venv) cd into app: cd weatheremail Then run: ./ migrate

Also you can create a superuser (not currently used for this app though): ./ createsuperuser You can use this to log in to:

To run unit tests:

In virtualenv (venv) cd into app: cd weatheremail Then run: ./ test

Also to get test coverage run: coverage run --source='.' ./ test coverage report

To run:

In virtualenv (venv) cd into app: cd weatheremail Then run: ./ runserver_plus (To be in virtualenv run source venv/bin/activate in the repo dir.)

To run celery task(s) - We'll be running celery as well as celery beat (each in their own terminal tab/window):

Pre-Req. - RabbitMQ installed (I used: brew install rabbitmq - for Mac)

Run rabbitmq (in terminal): brew services start rabbitmq

Run each of these inside the VM (venv) in its own terminal tab/window: (cd into app for each command) cd weatheremail celery -A weatheremail worker -l info

cd weatheremail celery -A weatheremail beat

* To note, the periodic task that queues up the email tasks per each user is set currently to run at 10am


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