step 1: set up the environment
git clone
cd TextHarmony
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install `MultiScaleDeformableAttention` module
cd TextHarmony/models/utils/ops
python install
some of the packages like mmcv and flash_attn in requirements.txt may need to be installed manually.
step 2: download pretraining weights
cd TextHarmony
python TextHarmony/scripts/
step 3: download the model weight of TextHarmony
# concatenate the model files
cat pytorch_model.binaa pytorch_model.binab pytorch_model.binac > pytorch_model.bin
step1: modify 'load_from', 'llm_model_path', 'encoder_model_path' and 'pretrained_model_name_or_path' in example_inference.yaml
step 2: run the following command:
torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 --nnodes 1 --master_port 2333 --config_file=TextHarmony/TextHarmony/configs/release/example_inference.yaml
step1: modify 'data_root' and 'data_path' in 896-moe-eval.yaml. The structure of 'data_path' should be as follows:
"image": image_path,
"question": question,
"answer": answer
step 2: run the following command
torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 --nnodes 1 --master_port 2333 --config_file=TextHarmony/TextHarmony/configs/release/896-moe-eval.yaml
step 1: download AnyText-Benchmark
step 2: generate the target images
torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 --nnodes 1 --master_port 2333 --config_file=TextHarmony/TextHarmony/configs/release/896-moe-inference.yaml
step 3: calculate the results
python TextHarmony/image_eval/
We thank the great work of MM-Interleaved, TextDiffuser, AnyText and LoRAMoE
title={Harmonizing Visual Text Comprehension and Generation},
author={Zhao, Zhen and Tang, Jingqun and Wu, Binghong and Lin, Chunhui and Wei, Shu and Liu, Hao and Tan, Xin and Zhang, Zhizhong and Huang, Can and Xie, Yuan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.16364},