- Git
- Python
- Visual Studio
- Make sure to have the C# and C++ Options checked off
- Atom Text Editor
- Postman Chrome App
- NodeJS/NPM
- node-gyp
- Install using the following command once NodeJS/NPM is installed
npm install -g node-gyp
- Install using the following command once NodeJS/NPM is installed
- Fork this project
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory you would like to store your project
- Run the following command once in your desired directory
git clone "PROJECT URL HERE"
- Without the quotes around the URL
- Navigate once more into the newly cloned project
- Run the following command
npm install
- Still in the projects root directory, run the following command
node bin/www
- The API is now running on port 9000 with the following URL to access it within Postman for testing