transform a provider into reducers and actions to use with a redux store
just pass a provider, that you have initialized and get back actions
import reduxProviderAdapter from 'butter-redux-provider'
import {createStore} frome 'redux'
const Provider = require('butter-provider-fancystuff')
const instance = new Provider('fancystuff?getPonies=true')
const {actions, reducer} = reduxProviderAdapter(instance)
const store = createStore(reducer)
to make this actually usefull you need to pass it a cache object that
accepts get
and set
methods, we provide a very dumb SimpleCache
to do just that
import reduxProviderAdapter, {SimpleCache} from 'butter-redux-provider'
import {createStore, combineReducers} frome 'redux'
const cache = new SimpleCache()
const Provider = require('butter-provider-fancystuff')
const instance = new Provider('fancystuff?getPonies=true')
const {actions, reducer} = reduxProviderAdapter(instance, cache)
const store = createStore(combineReducers({
collection: reducer,
cache: () => (cache)
// collection now receives ids, and cache ids => object mappings