Repo for Marion and Hamm (2016) "A hierarchical Bayesian approach to estimate endosymbiont infection rates" for a special issue of in Frontiers in Microbiology
Major commits by date (2016):
- 15 February - First commit
- 11 April - First calculatoin of vcv matrix based on phylogeny
- 20 April - Corrected Erebidae naming error in Regier et al. (2013) data
- 24 April - Added OU correction with multiple alpha value
- 25 April - Phylogenetically corrected model, early code for simulating data
- 26 April - Models incorporating phylogenetic correction working, full simuation code working for BM and OU models
- 27 April - Made tree ultrametric, calculated vcv from ultrametric tree, ran models with different vcv corrections
- 28 April - Made figures, barplots by samples and proportion of species in family, added updated .tex files.
- 29 April - Updated stan files and modified plots
- 4 May - Updated plots, added model averaging
- 8 May - Updated ms latex files
- 14 May - Corrected model averaging error for family level predictions
- 24 May - Added correlation and plots for association between CI and sample size
- 14 June - Updated repo to reflect state upon submission of ms. Latex docs in folder, code in submitted state. Fingers crossed.
- 20 June - Removed the paper files, too soon to have them posted on git (should have been on ArXiv, honestly)
- 11 October - Ammended code to accomodate changes in stan, added code for posterior predictive checks of the model.
- 1 November - Ammended code to work with new "yaRrr" package
- 15 November - Release version of cade created.
Major commits by date (2017):
- 21 January - Updated code to use
color palette, started issue to correct depreciate (but still functional) code forstan