A replacement for runner.html (GX.GAMES Test Output) with many New Features
GameMaker Version Used: 2023.2 (VM COMPILED) - 2024.2 (YYC COMPILED)
Other GameMaker Versions might work, but Newer Versions might not display the "Downloading Data" Loading Bar
This uses my Pizza Tower 1.1.0 Web Port as the Base, so the website's Title and Github Repo will all reflect that
Also, this will work out-of-the-box with any GMS2 Project compiled to GX.GAMES Export (as a VM Test Run), but if you compile it as a YYC Test Run, you will have to change functions manifestFiles()
and manifestFilesMD5()
to be the same as the YYC runner.html
runner.html is a file that runs a GameMaker Studio 2 project that was compiled for GX.GAMES as a Test Run, and is compiled along with the project files when compiling a test run, but runner.html is very basic and has ussless functions, and that brings us to betterrunner.html
betterrunner.html does everything that runner.html does, but strips away Useless Functionality and adds many New Features, and those changes include:
betterrunner.html now displays loading progress after Downloading Game Data, mainly for bigger projects that take time to load
- Main Buttons have been Increased from 3 to 6
- A Green Dashed Border has been added to the buttons, and button text is now White
- All Buttons now have a Description when Hovering over them
New Buttons:
Toggle Console
: Toggles Console, which Lists Game Information such as Loading and Internal Game Debug Strings ( from show_debug_message() )Visit Github Repo
: (Mainly for Me) Opens New Tab to Redirect to My Pizza Tower Noise Update Github RepositoryClear Site Cache
: Clears IndexedDB Files, which is needed to fix crashes that appear when Website is Updated (Also Reloads all Included Files and Deletes Saves)Enable FPS Counter
: Enables FPS Counter Bookmarklet (Click on FPS Window to Cycle through other Functions of the Bookmarklet)View All Web Ports
: (Mainly for Me) Opens New Tab to Redirect to My Personal Webpage with a List to all of my Web PortsJoin Discord Server
:(Mainly for Me) Opens New Tab to Redirect to My Discord Server
There is now a Background Color Changer that changes the Background of the Website to Any Color you wish
Default Background Color is Black
Background also is no longer a Radial Gradient, but instead a Solid Color of your choice
If favicon.png
is available and in the same folder as betterrunner.html, then it will be used as the Website's Icon
And that's all
Mobile was NOT considered during the making of betterrunner.html and will probably not work with this file
Ads were also not considered, but weren't modified either, so they might be broken