Releases: bullet-db/bullet-ui
Query Sharing, Collapsible JSON results, Unsaved indicators
This release adds sharing queries by generating a permalink to your version of the query. You can generate this by clicking on a new button that appears when you mouse over the query in the queries table. When shared with others, that link creates the same query in their Bullet UIs. As with copying queries, this will not work if the query has errors.
The Raw view in the results page now defaults to a new collapsible JSON format that intelligently opens up to proper nesting levels depending on how complex the data is. The raw format is now available as a button to toggle to in the Raw view.
If you navigate away from a query with unsaved changes or errors, the queries page will now show an indicator.
The following settings have been renamed in the settings file:
drpcHost -> queryHost
drpcNamespace -> queryNamespace
drpcPath -> queryPath
TSV Renderer, Result Selectability fix
This adds a TSV exporter as another Renderer option in the Pivot table.
It also fixes the inability to select on the results view.
Styling the pivot table
This release styles the pivot table to better match the rest of the site. Some slight changes to styles on the mode toggle buttons on the results page and disables clicking the Chart vs Pivot buttons when that button is active
Pivoting, Charting
This release adds support for pivoting and charting the results. There is now a third option in addition to the Raw Data and Table views in the Results page: Show as Chart.
This view has two sub-views:
Chart - A simple bar chart option that discovers the independent and dependent columns using Chart.js through ember-cli-chart. This option is disabled for Raw queries
Pivot - A pivot table/charter using the pivottable plugin that has a lot of C3 based renderers (bar, area, scatter, line) and table renderers (pivoting, table barchart, heat maps etc). It provides a drag and drop interface using jquery-ui. This also enables a bunch of post result aggregations that can applied on to the result data.
The Pivot view is meant to be an advanced use-case. For most Grouping, Top K and Distribution queries, the Chart view should be sufficient. The Pivot view is useful if you have a lot of dimensions and you want to post-aggregate your results, or you want to exclude some outliers for graphing etc.
The result object now stores some additional information that displays what the query was that generated it. This was needed to chart it properly. The UI also stores the pivot table configuration per result. As a result of this, the modelVersion
has been bumped to 2
in the env-settings.json properties.
There is a new migrations
object that provides a deletions
key that can be set to result
or query
to wipe all results or all data respectively. This is only applied if the modelVersion
is not present in localStorage or the modelVersion in settings is greater. Since the result interface has changed, it is necessary to wipe all results as part of migrating to this version.
Increases maxlength for free-form points to 128 K characters
v0.2.2 Fixes max length for free-form points
Sorting in the Filters sections works again
jQuery-QueryBuilder 2.4.2 had a bug that broke the sorting feature. This update fixes it.
Top K, Distribution aggregations and other bug fixes
This releases catches the UI up with the Backend.
Supports bullet-storm 0.4.2 and above and bullet-service 0.0.1 and above
First Release
The first release of the UI. Works with
bullet-storm 0.2.1 and above
bullet-service 0.0.1 and above
Includes filtering, projecting, aggregating (limit, count distinct, distinct, group by {sum, count, min, max, avg}) , metadata support.