A website to encode and decode classical ciphers. Now we support
- Caesar Cipher
- Linear Cipher
- Vigenere Cipher
Our algorithm supports decoding without key. Note that the longer the ciphers, the better it works.
For Vigenere Cipher, you can choose to decode just with the length of the key or even nothing.
The backend is on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. We employ Zappa for automation deploymentation.
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd backend
pipenv shell
# Update your dev API in localhost
zappa update dev
Production API will be deployed automately by Github Actions.
The frontend is developed by React and hosted on AWS S3. You can also run it in the local enrironment.
cd frontend
npm install -D
#test in localhost
npm run start
# build
npm run build
aws s3 cp build/* s3://crypto-monster/
Automation deploymentation will be triggered when files in frontend directory are changed.