Twig extention filter allows you replace placeholders
in text by context of the content.
You MUST extend base class, implement "findContext" method
and may add as many "onMarker***"
(where *** is name of placeholder) as you want.
In twig template you should pass Entity object
as a context of the text with placeholders.
In "onMarker***" method you may check or/and request
require context from provided one.
In "findContext" method you must check if provided context
is a requested one or may try find it from provided (see example)
Add require to your composer.json:
"bubnov/twig-markers": "master"
Edit app/config/services.yml:
class: Path to your extended class
- { name: twig.extension }
Lets say we have App\ProjectBundle\Entity\Project.
It has some App\ReportBundle\Entity\Report (s).
Each of Reports has some App\ReportBundle\Entity\Widget (s).
If you provide App\ReportBundle\Entity\Widget as a context, this Entity
should have methods to find it's parent Report, and/or it's parent Project.
Lets Project has "site" property and you want
to insert Projects's site url into Widgets's text.
Widgets's text is:
#Widget's text:
This is widget text for project %link%. Click it!
<div class="widget-text">{{ widget.text | markers(widget) | raw}}</div>
protected function onMarkerLink()
if($context = $this->findContext('App\ProjectBundle\Entity\Project'))
return $context->getLink();
return false;
protected function findContext($findContext)
$contextClass = get_class($this->context);
if($contextClass === $findContext)
return $this->context;
//Try to find requested context from provided
case 'App\ReportBundle\Entity\Widget':
case 'App\ReportBundle\Entity\Report':
return $this->context->getReport();
case 'App\ProjectBundle\Entity\Project':
return $this->context->getReport()->getProject();
case 'App\ReportBundle\Entity\Report':
case 'App\ProjectBundle\Entity\Project':
return $this->context->getProject();
return false;