This repositary contains the software part of the DIYRobocarsFr Hat. This Hat is designed for Raspberry Pi 3/4, Jetson Nano or any other single board computer Host implementing the well known 'rpi' GPIO connector. This Hat provides various interfaces between the Host and hardware to easely build an autonomous small scale RC-style car. A typical example of such build is the Donkey car
The Hat features :
- LM2596 or xl4005 DSN5000 based DC/DC converter to power everything from a single battery (7-15V, NiMh or LiPo 2S/3S), through GPIO or through dedicated connector.
- Battery voltage monitoring (battery level and cell level for LiPo)
- PWM output signal to control Throttle (through ESC) and STeering (through Servo)
- PWM input signal acquisition of RC Receiver (4 channels)
- Ultra Sonic acquisition
- RPM sensor acquisition
- 2 pre-wired Aux channels
- High Speed data link (Serial 1Mbps) between Hat and the Host
- RBG Led to display status, including Alarm on low battery voltage, loss of receiver, loss of link with the Host, loss of active driving
- RGB Led output to control more WS2812B LEDs
- automatic calibration (for idle position)
- Faisafe (Force output PWM to neutral signal in case of alarm)
Communication between Hat and the Host is based on either ROS/ROSSerial, or on a simple stupid serial protocol. To select the protocol to use, uncomment accordingly one of the following macro before compiling the sketch (on top of RobocarsHat.ino): #define Use_ROSSerial // Select ROS communication implementation #define Use_SimpleSerial // select simple stupid serial protocol
Note : ROSSerial is currently broken because of lack of resource in Arduino.
Hat publishes the following topics to the Host:
- radio_channels @ 100Hz : Throttle and Steering value acquired from RX Receiver
- sensors @ 30Hz : Ultrasonic and RPM sensor
- Radio channels qualibration @ 10Hz : Detected Idle values for Throttle and Steering channels
- battery @ 1Hz : Battery and Cells current voltage
Hat consumes the folowing topics from the Host:
- Driving Throttle and Steering
When ROS is used, topics are :
- /radio_channels : std_msgs::Int16MultiArray
- data[0] : Int16 : Throttle (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- data[1] : Int16 : Steering (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- data[2] : Int16 : Aux1 (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- data[3] : Int16 : Aux2 (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- /battery : std_msgs::Int16MultiArray
- data[0] : Int16 : Vbat : Battery total voltage in mv
- data[1] : Int16 : Cell1 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- data[2] : Int16 : Cell2 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- data[3] : Int16 : Cell3 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- /sensors : std_msgs::Int16MultiArray
- data[0] : Int16 : Ultrasonic sensor : Distance in cm, -1 if not plugged
- data[1] : Int16 : rpm sensor : from ~100 (high rpm) to 2000 (low rpm), to check depending on sensor used
- /throttle_ctrl/output : std_msgs::Int16
- data : Int16 : Throttle (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- /steering_ctrl/output : std_msgs::Int16
- data : Int16 : Steering (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
Note : Code has been optimized to fit into the Arduino pro mini. When ROS is selected to implement comunication with Host, almost all RAM is consumed by this sketch. The remaining free memory (~180 Bytes) must be preserved since dynamic allocation can occurrd at runtime. So far this is enough to work like a charm.
This protocol exchanges data through serial link as CSV. Separator between messages is the carriage return/line feed. Message are formated following the scheme :
msg_type, from Hat to Host :
- 0 : radio channels
- param1 : int : throttle (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- param2 : int : steering (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- param3 : int : Aux1 (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- param4 : int : Aux2 (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- 1 : battery state
- param1 : Int : Vbat : Battery total voltage in mv
- param2 : Int : Cell1 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- param3 : Int : Cell2 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- param4 : Int : Cell3 : LiPo Cell 1 voltage in mv (0 is no Cell detected)
- 2 : sensors
- param1 : Int : Ultrasonic sensor : Distance in cm, -1 if not plugged
- param2 : Int : rpm sensor : from ~100 (high rpm) to 2000 (low rpm), to check depending on sensor used
- 3 : qualibration
- param1 : Int : Detected Idle throttle (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- param2 : Int : Detected Idle steering (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
msg_type, from Host to Hat :
- 0 : drive order
- param1 : int : throttle (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
- param2 : int : steering (signal pulse width in us, expecting value betzeen 1000 and 2000)
The Hat will try to determine automatically idle PWM values coming from Rx Channel. Idle/Failsafe steering and throttling are then determined thanks to this calibartion step. Algorithm is the folowin :
- switch off PWM output until RX Radio has been detected and calibrated
- when new PWM signal is detected on PWN inputs, sample PWN signal during 30 cycles,
- if after 30 cycles, both PWM input signals has been sampled for throttle and steering, assume those are idles vqlues
- switch on PWM output usign these idles values
- if RX Radio Faisafe condition is detected later, restart the calibration procedure
Add startup delay to prevent UART colision with host bootloader (typical case with u-boot) #define STARTUP_DELAYED Former delay was set to 5 seconds, but following latest Ubuntu 20-04-5, it has to be increased to 10 seconds until further investigations
Implement faisafe mechanism (co;;ent to remove faisafem can be usefull to control PWM output even if no Rx radio module is connected) #define IMPLEMENT_FAILSAFE
Control extra led (could affect real time performance, for example accuracy of PWM Sampler) #define EXTRA_LED
replace micros() by a timer2 based library, with better precision (8x) #define USE_TIMER2_COUNTER
Grounding Aux2 In at startup can be used to (accordingly to flag AUX2_XXXX defined at compile time):
- force a local passthrough betzeen Rx Radio and PWM outputs (define AUX2_PASSTHROUGH), or
- ignore RX Receiver lack of signal (define AUX2_IGNORE_RC_STATE)
Needed dependencies :
- ros see rosserial for Arduino. The rosserial packaged used is a specific one, available here. It features a macro allowing to change serial baud rate (see ROSSERIAL_BAUD)
- PololuLedStrip library to control RGB WS2812B style LED, available here.
- modified Arduino Servo library, available here. The change is about to reduce memory footprint. For that purpose, we have decreased SERVOS_PER_TIMER from 12 to 4 (src/Servo.h)
- alternatively, PWMServo (
- MovingAverage by Pavel Slama (
- micros() is replaced by a timer2 based lib providing better resolution, available here The PWM sampling part of the software is largely inspired from Kelvin Nelson work, available here
Working on a raspberry 4 with Ubuntu 20.04 64 bits, we found that u-boot provided with Ubuntu allows user to interact with boot at startup time through uart (the one connected through GPIO) for few seconds before default boot occured. As soon as power is supplied, both Raspberry and Arduino starts. Arduino then start sending messages through the serial link with Raspberry (whatever the comunication option selected). However, u-boot starts also listening to UART to let chance for uer to halt boot sequence. This is the conflictual and prevent raspberry to start because of messages received on UART on raspberry side and u-boot deciding to halt default boot seqeuence. For that purpose, until a better solution is identified (such as disabling interaction through UART in u-boot), a delay can be added in Arduino firmware to let a change for Raspberry to boot Linux. Delay is fixed to 5 seconds which looks enough. This behavior is controlled though STARTUP_DELAYED macro. If Raspberry is restarted meanwhile (for example through command line), it could not restart since Hat will again interrupt u-boot.
- Automatic pass-through : until host is ready, passthrough steering and throttle from Radio Receiver to PWM outputs. That would allow to drive car from radio controller when Host software is not ready/started. Autocalibration is needed before.
PWM Driver : Timer 1 micros() replacement : Timer 2