Kendo UI Mobile indexed listview for AppBuilder
This is a sample project attempting to replicate iOS sectionIndexTitlesForTableView.
####Key files:
- scripts/vendor/listViewIndex.js
- styles/vendor/listViewIndex.css
Include the above files in your index.html.
####Initialize ListViewIndex
ListViewIndex.init(view, animated, offset);
Parameters are:
- view: The view the listview is part of.
- animated (optional default: false): Use animated scrolling.
- offset (optional default:0): Additional offset pixels to use when determining where to scroll to.
####Generate Index In your listview initiliziation, add the dataBound event and call;
Your listview must be of type:'group' and your group value is what your index will display.
See app.js -> app.home.init function for more details.