A collection of personal profile and dotfile configurations and notes. There are configurations and notes for both Windows and Linux based systems.
Current Configuration Notes:
- Maintain a similar experience between Windows(WSL,CMD,PS) and Linux systems. Since I have to support windows systems I think its important to create as much of a posix style productive system as possible.
- Configurations are mostly for a nice experience and only slight rebinding for productivity. Since many utilities are used on remote servers I think its important to maintain muscle memory for common bindings so as not to be lost on remote systems.
- I have moved from vim to neovim as a primary editor on non-remote machines so most configuration is made there. Remote machines I continue to just use the vanilla vim/vi that is on the systems, I do not think its worth spending time customizing server cattle unless its a long living machine that I will regularly remote into. The neovim configurations are in lua not vimscript.
- Most Windows interaction is done on the "Microsoft Terminal" application which has decent support for color schemes, fonts, a command pallete, and a centralized JSON config the can easily manipulated.