Writen by @bsiguret and @nrandria
This project is about creating a dating website.
You will need to create an app allowing two potential lovers to meet,
from the registration to the final encounter.
A user will then be able to register, connect, fill his/her profile,
search and look into the profile of other users, like them,
chat with those that “liked” back.
* Single page application
* Front-end framework
* Build tools
* Micro-framework
* Advanced user registration and sign-in
* Real-time application
* Geolocation
* Security (OWASP 10, XSS, SQL injection, cookie session fixation...)
* Data validation
* UX / UI Design
* React
* React-router
* Redux (+ middleware)
* Express (+ middleware)
* Node.js
* JavaScript ES6+
* OAuth
* Socket.io
Mandatory tools:
* Relational database
Forbidden tools:
* MVC framework
* Validators
* Registration / Authentication library