Execute the setup.sh file from the dotfiles directory.
Install Vim packages if they didn't install automatically (they should). execute ":PlugInstall"
To set up tmux the first time: + I
download the zip file
extract the file
open powershell
execute the
script to install fonts on Windows -
select one of the Powerline fonts for Windows Terminal
in .tmux.conf change the default shell to /bin/zsh instead of $SHELL
- Download the most recent version from https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty/releases
- Ensure that the font is set to "Meslo LG M for Powerline"
- Ensure that "enable_experimental_conpty_backend: true" is set to enable correct colors with NVIM
Add the below to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file kubernetes.docker.internal
As described docker/for-win#5325
- Ensure cross distro mounts are set up in /etc/wsl.conf
- Create a directory in /mnt/wsl
- Mount the directory you want to be shareable to that folder via
sudo mount --bind {source_dir} /mnt/wsl/{mount_point}
Much of this lua neovim config was inspired or copied from https://github.com/LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratch