Movie Organizer
New things I'll have to do
- Get all movies from an api
- Carousel and pagination for showing movies
- Personalized calendar.
- Landing page - see random movies possibly in a carousel
- Movie Detail Page - See details for a movie. Can add reviews to each movie specific to my website. Can maybe add notes too
- Lists - Personalized lists of to watch, favorites, etc. CRUD for each list
- Voting - Vote on best movies which is shared across users. This will save specifically for my website and can be shown on the landing page.
- Movie information page for cool facts and tidbits like from the tv show I saw
- Filter page by rating, year, review number etc.
- Actor/Director page
- Movies in theatres
- A 'what should I watch' page to generate a random movie to try out. Maybe can generate n number of options and can still filter by genre or review number.
- User Profile page. Can choose to upload a profile picture, bio and any other important details.
- Admin page, can see how many users have logged in to the site(mainly to satisfy the rubric)
- Stretch goal - Watchlist calendar. allow users to schedule when they plan to watch movies and view in a calendar format
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 0/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 0/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 0/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 0/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 0/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 0/5 Automated testing
- 0/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 0/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 0/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 0/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- Typescript is in project [X]
- Frontend Project Created [X]
- Backend Project Created [X]
- Database Designed and Created [X]
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 0/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 0/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- .5/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 0/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 0/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- One Page Created []
- CI/CD pipeline with linting []
- Authorized pages and public pages []
- NetWork Calls for read/write []
- Automated Testing []
- Frontend and Backend on Kubernetes []
- Authentication Done []
- Landing Page that shows a Carousel of Random Movies []
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 0/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 1/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 0/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 3/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- one new page [X]
- reusable card component for Movie [X]
- Context for movies [X]
- Search Page (filters) [X]
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 0/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 2/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 0/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 6/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- 2 more pages [X]
- Movies in Theatres [X]
- Single Movie Detail Page [X]
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 0/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 2.5/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 0/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 9/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- Three more pages [X]
- Reusable layout component for a list [X]
- Toasts[X]
- Reusable Input and Select Component [X]
- Lists Page [X]
- Actor/Director Page [X]
- Actor Details Page[X]
- 0/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 5/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 0/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 3.5/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 9/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 9/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- One more page [X]
- Movie information and facts page [X]
- 5/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 5/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 5/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 4.5/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 9/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 9/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- Use local storage for user information and login stuff [X]
- Error handling [X]
- One more pages [X]
- User Profile Page [X]
- 5/5 Use of Local Storage
- 5/5 Client side state stores (e.g. context or react query)
- 5/5 Toasts / global notifications or alerts
- 5/5 Error handling (both on api requests and render errors)
- 5/5 Network Calls
- 5/5 Developer type helping (typescript)
- 5/5 10+ pages/views via a router
- 5/5 CI/CD pipeline
- 5/5 Automated testing
- 5/5 linting in the pipeline (abort build if fails)
- 9/9 3+ reusable form input components
- 12/12 4+ reusable layout components
- 10/10 Authorized Pages and Public Pages
- one more page [X]
- Finish up Styling [X]
- Stretch goal if time, but I might not get to it []