Project made with Quentin Boschini.
Use the Kino wheels to command a DJI Ronin (tested on DJI Ronin 2, DJI Ronin S)via SBUS protocol using Arduino boards.
Transmition to the Ronin can be done via a cable or wirelessly with a main transmitter powered by a Vlock batterie and a receiver powered by the Ronin.
- You can find all the Fritzing schematics in the repo.
- 1x Arduino DUE (transmitter)
- 1x Arduino NANO (receiver)
- 2x Nrf24L01 (wireless 2,4 GHz module)
- 2x LCD 0.96' Adafruit I2C (using Adafruit SSD1306 library)
- 2x Rotary encoder SPI (for interaction with the lcd fonction, for now only modify nrf24 channel)
- 3x Potentiometer (used to amplify or reduce the kinowheel values send to the SBUS)
- 3x Toggle Switch (to invert the wheel rotation)
- 2x SN74HC logical inverter (required for transmitting SBUS signal)
A Sbus receiver, usefull to have a direct return from a Sbus signal for debugging purpose\
- 1x Arduino UNO
- 1x LCD 0.96' Adafruit I2C
- 1x SN74HC logical inverter
- BMC_SBUS_DUE (just a modified version from the one bellow you can find it in the repository)
- Adafruit_SSD1306 -> download from the Arduino IDE
- Adafruit_GFX -> download from the Arduino IDE (automaticaly installed with Adafruit_SSD1306 ?)
- RF24 ->
- sbus-arduino (for the debug SBUS receiver) ->
- Controlling modes and profiles with external buttons or with sub menus with the LCD
- Designing new wheels more balanced, with conic shaped axis