Manage the Puppet Explorer web interface. In the default configuration it should work if it is hosted on the same host as PuppetDB.
The ensure parameter of the puppetexplorer package. Default: present
Google Analytics tracking ID.
Google Analytics domain setting. Default: auto
List of server name and URL tuples. Default: [ ['production', '/api'] ]
List of facts to display in node detail view.
Default: [ 'operatingsystem', 'operatingsystemrelease', 'manufacturer',
'productname', 'processorcount', 'memorytotal', 'ipaddress' ]
The amount of hours since the last check-in after which a node is considered
Default: 2
Custom dashboard panels. Should be an array of hashes containing the keys
name, query and type. Default:
name => 'Unresponsive nodes',
type => 'danger',
query => ' < @"now - 2 hours"'
name => 'Nodes in production env',
type => 'success',
query => '#node.catalog-environment = production'
name => 'Nodes in non-production env',
type => 'warning',
query => '#node.catalog-environment != production'
Add apt repo for the module.
Defaults to true for $::osfamily Debian
Add yum repo for the module.
Defaults to true for $::osfamily RedHat
Name of the class that manages the webserver configuration.
Defaults to '::puppetexplorer::apache'
The Apache vhost servername. Default: $::fqdn
If SSL should be turned on for the Apache vhost. Default: true
Port of the Apache vhost. Default: 443
Proxy pass configuration for Apache. This is useful to proxy the API to
PuppetDB through the same vhost that hosts Puppet Explorer. If they are not
proxied PuppetDB needs to have the Access-Control-Allow-Origin and
Access-Control-Expose-Headers "X-Records" headers.
See the proxy_pass parameter of apache::vhost in puppetlabs-apache for more
info on this.
Default: [{ 'path' => '/api/v4', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/v4' }]
An additional hash of apache::vhost options, see puppetlabs-apache for more
info. Can be used for configuring authentication or SSL certificates for
example. Default: {}