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A library to read and write osu files for Node.js


Using npm:

$ npm install @brunohpaiva/osu-parser

Using yarn:

$ yarn add @brunohpaiva/osu-parser


Replay file (.osr)

Reading from a file

import { OsuReplay } from '@brunohpaiva/osu-parser';
import fs from 'fs';

// Path of local .osr file
const filePath = './osu-replay-input.osr';
// Read file contents synchronously and stores it in a buffer
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
// Parses the buffer to a OsuReplay
const replay = OsuReplay.parse(buffer);


Writing to a file

import { OsuReplay } from '@brunohpaiva/osu-parser';
import fs from 'fs';

// Creates a new replay
const replay = new OsuReplay();

// Set some data to it
replay.type = 0; // osu! standard
replay.gameVersion = 20200724;
replay.beatmapHash = 'hash';
replay.playerName = 'player';
replay.replayHash = 'hash';
replay.count300s = 100;
replay.count100s = 50;
replay.count50s = 25;
replay.countGekis = 0;
replay.countKatus = 5;
replay.countMisses = 1;
replay.totalScore = 1953902;
replay.greatestCombo = 328;
replay.perfectCombo = false;
replay.modsUsed = ['DoubleTime'];
replay.lifeBarGraph = 'lifeBar';
replay.windowsTicks = 637321042198407465n;
replay.actions = [
    timestamp: 10, // Time in milliseconds since previous action
    x: 10, // x coordinate from 0 to 512
    y: 23, // y coordinate from 0 to 384
    buttons: ['KeyboardOne'],
  // More actions
replay.onlineScoreId = 98247527n;

const osuBuffer = replay.writeToOsuBuffer();
const buffer = osuBuffer.buffer;

// Path to store the generated .osr file
const filePath = './osu-replay-output.osr';
// Writes the buffer to a file synchronously
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, buffer);


Reading and writing with a OsuBuffer

import { OsuBuffer } from '@brunohpaiva/osu-parser';

// Initialize a empty buffer.
const osuBuffer = new OsuBuffer();
osuBuffer.writeVarChar('A text');

// Output: <Buffer 0a 00 00 00 0b 06 41 20 74 65 78 74 05>

// Output: 10

// Output: A text