Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency WiFi SoC ESP8266 native development with C++ language.
- Fast & user friendly development
- Work with GPIO in Arduino style
- High effective in performance and memory usage (this is native firmware!)
- Compatible with standard Arduino libraries - use any popular hardware in few lines of code
- rBoot OTA firmware updating
- Built-in file system: spiffs
- Built-in powerful network and wireless modules
- Built-in JSON library: ArduinoJson
- HTTP, AJAX, WebSockets support
- MQTT protocol based on libemqtt
- Networking based on LWIP stack
- Simple and powerful hardware API wrappers
- Crash handlers for analyzing/handling system restarts due to fatal errors or WDT resets.
- SSL support based on axTLS 2.1+ with Lwirax.
- Out of the box support for HTTP, MQTT and Websocket client connections over SSL.
- Out of the box support for OTA over HTTPS.
- SNI and Maximum Fragment Length SSL support.
- Optional alternative PWM support based on Stefan Bruens PWM
- Optional custom heap allocation based on Umm Malloc
- Based on Espressif NONOS SDK. Tested with versions 1.4 and 1.5.
- Spiffy : Source included in Sming repository
- [ESPtool2] ( esptool2
- Custom PWM: If Sming is compiled with ENABLE_CUSTOM_PWM=1 then instead of using the Espressif SDK pwm library a custom PWM library will be used.
- SSL: The SSL support is not built-in by default to conserve resources. If you want to enable it then take a look at the Readme in the Basic_Ssl samples.
- Custom Heap Allocation: If your application is experiencing heap fragmentation then you can try the Umm Malloc heap allocation. To enable it compile Sming with ENABLE_CUSTOM_HEAP=1. In order to use it in your sample/application make sure to compile the sample with ENABLE_CUSTOM_HEAP=1. Avoid enabling your custom heap allocation AND -mforce-l32 compiler flag.
You can find more information about compilation and flashing process by reading forum discussion thread.
More information at Wiki Examples page.
#define LED_PIN 2 // GPIO2
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
Serial.println("Hello Sming! Let's do smart things.");
WifiStation.config("LOCAL-NETWORK", "123456789087"); // Put you SSID and Password here
#include <Libraries/DHT/DHT.h> // This is just popular Arduino library!
#define WORK_PIN 0 // GPIO0
void init()
float h = dht.readHumidity();
float t = dht.readTemperature();
HttpClient thingSpeak;
thingSpeak.downloadString("" + String(sensorValue), onDataSent);
void onDataSent(HttpClient& client, bool successful)
if (successful)
void OtaUpdate() {
uint8 slot;
rboot_config bootconf;
// need a clean object, otherwise if run before and failed will not run again
if (otaUpdater) delete otaUpdater;
otaUpdater = new rBootHttpUpdate();
// select rom slot to flash
bootconf = rboot_get_config();
slot = bootconf.current_rom;
if (slot == 0) slot = 1; else slot = 0;
// flash rom to position indicated in the rBoot config rom table
otaUpdater->addItem(bootconf.roms[slot], ROM_0_URL);
// and/or set a callback (called on failure or success without switching requested)
// start update
server.addPath("/", onIndex);
server.addPath("/hello", onHello);
Serial.println("=== WEB SERVER STARTED ===");
void onIndex(HttpRequest &request, HttpResponse &response)
TemplateFileStream *tmpl = new TemplateFileStream("index.html");
auto &vars = tmpl->variables();
vars["counter"] = String(counter);
vars["IP"] = WifiStation.getIP().toString();
vars["MAC"] = WifiStation.getMAC();
void onFile(HttpRequest &request, HttpResponse &response)
String file = request.getPath();
if (file[0] == '/')
file = file.substring(1);
response.setCache(86400, true);
A complete documentation can be created by running the command below. This requires doxygen
to be installed on your system.
make docs
The newly generated documentation will be located under Sming/docs/api