The Brooklyn Rail is made up a few separate platforms seamed that are loosely seamed together.
- – The main Rail site is largely an old Code Ignighter application. It's database contains all of the issues, articles, and images from the last 20 years of this publication. As an applicaiton, it is in rough shape and we're in the process of moving off of it to a new, more sustainable platform. Repo
- – The events site is a new platform for the Rail and is being explored as the future foundation for the whole Brooklyn Rail archive. The platform is built on HUGO and running on Netlify. Repo
Here's how to get set up:
- Install HUGO
brew install hugo
(For OSX) or see for other OSs
- Note: currently uses Hugo version
, and is configured in the netlify.toml file.
- Clone the repo
- Install NPM and the dependencies --
npm install
- Install the Netlify CLI --
npm install netlify-cli -g
- Run
npm start
to get the site running
NPM will run the following scripts:
hugo serve
— builds all of the pages in hugo and creates a local server athttp://localhost:1313/
. Hugo will also build and compresses all of the SCSS and JS files.
When Hugo is done building, you should see a success message like:
Web Server is available at //localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
You can view your local site in the browser at http://localhost:1313/
- Quickly check your HUGO version in your terminal by running
hugo version
in the command line. - If HUGO has released a new version, but hasn't upgraded to that version, you may get errors when building locally. It’s possible to use Homebrew to download a previous version of Hugo. To do that follow these instructions: Using Legecy Versions of the Hugo Static Site Generator
- install the Netlify CLI
- run
netlify dev
Netlify's command line interface (CLI) lets you deploy sites or configure continuous deployment straight from the command line.
To install Netlify CLI, make sure you have Node.js version 8 or higher, then run this command from any directory in your terminal:
npm install netlify-cli -g
The repository already contains a subset of the articles under content/
, but if you want modify the import script to bring in more data:
Install Node.js.
Start the database from the main site directory.
docker-compose up db
From this directory, run the import.
npm install node import.js
You should see directories and files written under content/