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Releases: broadinstitute/viral-ngs


18 Jun 20:00
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Quick fixes:

  • Revert fasta indexing to samtools instead of pysam (for py3 threaded stability).
  • Fix up metagenomics snakemake rules.
  • Clean up some Tool executions to subprocess calls (vs custom code).
  • Add pycodestyle to requirements-test.txt, as it is required for mock, but not listed as a requirement by mock.


17 Jun 01:23
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Fix: the GATK wrapper is now adapted for conda-based installs of GATK. License and manual download of GATK is still required, but the gatk conda package provides the gatk-register command which can be used to copy a licensed jar file into the conda environment.


16 Jun 20:50
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Robust behavior in depletion, assembly and metagenomics for empty or almost-empty data sets. More interpretable Trinity errors. Multithreaded LASTAL filtering. Overview diagram in documentation.


06 Jun 20:51
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In the deplete stage, blastn performance has been improved: calls to blastn are parallelized via separate blastn processes on chunked input rather than by specifying multiple threads for a single blastn process. Bug fix for conda install path determination.


01 Jun 02:35
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Made the CondaPackage() install method more flexible in detecting active conda environments, particularly for older conda releases that use CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV inconsistently (env path vs env name).


31 May 21:00
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Packages installed via conda now look for an active conda environment as the install location before falling back to a location within the viral-ngs directory; Kraken install is now only Conda-based; lastal input files are now chunked into 100k-read batches. Internal cleanups, and some changes to automated testing.


12 May 14:36
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Added LCA metagenomics functions for parsing blast/diamond output. Shifted testing infrastructure to py.test from nose. More multithreaded blast improvements in human depletion steps. Improvements to command line help output.


03 May 10:26
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Bug fixes to tool installation.


03 May 00:30
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Implementation of basic metagenomics tools: kraken and krona. Bug fix for silent tool failures introduced in March 2016. Multithreaded blastn. More verbose stats in scaffolding.


01 Apr 14:56
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Tune nucmer parameters in scaffolding step to tolerate more diverse viruses (HIV, Influenza). Misc bugfixes related to version-detection, lastal, and Genbank submission scripts.