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Merge pull request #149 from broadinstitute/ct-multialign
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This addresses issues #127, #133, #134, #135, and #136. It also includes the new functionality of being able to download FASTAs, feature tables, and full GenBank records via the Entrez REST API. This functionality is used in the new Snakemake rules to download the files required to make the reference genome, lastal database, and feature tables, all via GenBank accessions specified in the file config.json. It also adds new scripts related to running the Snakemake pipeline on the Broad Institute's Univa Grid Engine cluster ("UGER").
  • Loading branch information
dpark01 committed Sep 1, 2015
2 parents 166d6c6 + c983111 commit ff3415d
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Showing 116 changed files with 7,796 additions and 447 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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202 changes: 131 additions & 71 deletions
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__author__ = "[email protected], [email protected]"
__commands__ = []

# built-ins
import argparse, logging, random, os, os.path, shutil, subprocess, glob
import Bio.AlignIO, Bio.SeqIO, Bio.Data.IUPACData

from itertools import zip_longest
except ImportError :
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest

# intra-module
import util.cmd, util.file, util.vcf
import read_utils, taxon_filter
import tools, tools.picard, tools.samtools, tools.gatk, tools.novoalign
import tools.trinity, tools.mosaik, tools.muscle

# third-party
import Bio.AlignIO, Bio.SeqIO, Bio.Data.IUPACData

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +107,7 @@ def parser_trim_rmdup_subsamp(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
__commands__.append(('trim_rmdup_subsamp', parser_trim_rmdup_subsamp))

def assemble_trinity(inBam, outFasta, clipDb, n_reads=100000, outReads=None, JVMmemory=None):
def assemble_trinity(inBam, outFasta, clipDb, n_reads=100000, outReads=None, JVMmemory=None, threads=1):
''' This step runs the Trinity assembler.
First trim reads with trimmomatic, rmdup with prinseq,
and random subsample to no more than 100k reads.
Expand All @@ -110,7 +120,7 @@ def assemble_trinity(inBam, outFasta, clipDb, n_reads=100000, outReads=None, JVM
trim_rmdup_subsamp_reads(inBam, clipDb, subsamp_bam, n_reads=n_reads)
subsampfq = list(map(util.file.mkstempfname, ['.subsamp.1.fastq', '.subsamp.2.fastq']))
tools.picard.SamToFastqTool().execute(subsamp_bam, subsampfq[0], subsampfq[1])
tools.trinity.TrinityTool().execute(subsampfq[0], subsampfq[1], outFasta, JVMmemory=JVMmemory)
tools.trinity.TrinityTool().execute(subsampfq[0], subsampfq[1], outFasta, JVMmemory=JVMmemory, threads=threads)

Expand All @@ -131,6 +141,9 @@ def parser_assemble_trinity(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
help='JVM virtual memory size (default: %(default)s)')
help='Number of threads (default: %(default)s)')
util.cmd.common_args(parser, (('loglevel',None), ('version',None), ('tmpDir',None)))
util.cmd.attach_main(parser, assemble_trinity, split_args=True)
return parser
Expand All @@ -146,28 +159,48 @@ def order_and_orient(inFasta, inReference, outFasta, inReads=None):
# VFAT to order, orient, and merge contigs
# TO DO: replace with Bellini

# split out trinity input into separate fastas, then iterate over each, running perl scripts

# TO DO: replace with Bellini?
musclepath = tools.muscle.MuscleTool().install_and_get_path()
tmp_prefix = util.file.mkstempfname(prefix='VFAT-')
cmd = [os.path.join(util.file.get_scripts_path(), 'vfat', ''),
inFasta, inReference, tmp_prefix,
'-musclepath', musclepath]
cmd = [os.path.join(util.file.get_scripts_path(), 'vfat', ''),
tmp_prefix+'_orientedContigs', inReference, tmp_prefix,
'-musclepath', musclepath,
'-samtoolspath', tools.samtools.SamtoolsTool().install_and_get_path()]
if inReads:
infq = list(map(util.file.mkstempfname, ['.in.1.fastq', '.in.2.fastq']))
tools.picard.SamToFastqTool().execute(inReads, infq[0], infq[1])
mosaik = tools.mosaik.MosaikTool()
cmd = cmd + [
'-readfq', infq[0], '-readfq2', infq[1],
'-mosaikpath', os.path.dirname(mosaik.install_and_get_path()),
'-mosaiknetworkpath', mosaik.get_networkFile(),
shutil.move(tmp_prefix+'_assembly.fa', outFasta)

tempFastas = []

with open(inReference, 'r') as inf:
for idx, seqObj in enumerate(Bio.SeqIO.parse(inf, 'fasta')):
tmpInputFile = util.file.mkstempfname(prefix='seq-{idx}'.format(idx=idx), suffix=".fasta")
tmpOutputFile = util.file.mkstempfname(prefix='seq-out-{idx}'.format(idx=idx), suffix=".fasta")

Bio.SeqIO.write([seqObj], tmpInputFile, "fasta")

tmp_prefix = util.file.mkstempfname(prefix='VFAT-')
cmd = [os.path.join(util.file.get_scripts_path(), 'vfat', ''),
inFasta, tmpInputFile, tmp_prefix,
'-musclepath', musclepath]
cmd = [os.path.join(util.file.get_scripts_path(), 'vfat', ''),
tmp_prefix+'_orientedContigs', inReference, tmp_prefix,
'-musclepath', musclepath,
'-samtoolspath', tools.samtools.SamtoolsTool().install_and_get_path()]
if inReads:
infq = list(map(util.file.mkstempfname, ['.in.1.fastq', '.in.2.fastq']))
tools.picard.SamToFastqTool().execute(inReads, infq[0], infq[1])
mosaik = tools.mosaik.MosaikTool()
cmd = cmd + [
'-readfq', infq[0], '-readfq2', infq[1],
'-mosaikpath', os.path.dirname(mosaik.install_and_get_path()),
'-mosaiknetworkpath', mosaik.get_networkFile(),
shutil.move(tmp_prefix+'_assembly.fa', tmpOutputFile)

# append
util.file.concat(tempFastas, outFasta)
for tmpFile in tempFastas:

for fn in glob.glob(tmp_prefix+'*'):
with open(outFasta, 'rt') as inf:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +233,7 @@ def __init__(self, chr_idx, seq_len, non_n_count):
chr_idx, seq_len, non_n_count))

def impute_from_reference(inFasta, inReference, outFasta,
minLength, minUnambig, replaceLength, newName=None):
minLengthFraction, minUnambig, replaceLength, newName=None):
This takes a de novo assembly, aligns against a reference genome, and
imputes all missing positions (plus some of the chromosome ends)
Expand All @@ -220,48 +253,60 @@ def impute_from_reference(inFasta, inReference, outFasta,
revert positions back to Ns where read support is lacking.
FASTA indexing: output assembly is indexed for Picard, Samtools, Novoalign.
# Halt if the assembly looks too poor at this point
# TO DO: this can easily be generalized to multi-chr genomes by changing minLength to a fraction
chr_idx = 0
for seq in Bio.SeqIO.parse(inFasta, 'fasta'):
chr_idx += 1
non_n_count = unambig_count(seq.seq)
seq_len = len(seq)
if seq_len<minLength or non_n_count<seq_len*minUnambig:
raise PoorAssemblyError(chr_idx, seq_len, non_n_count)

# Align to known reference and impute missing sequences
# TO DO: this can be iterated per chromosome
concat_file = util.file.mkstempfname('.ref_and_actual.fasta')
muscle_align = util.file.mkstempfname('.muscle.fasta')
refName = None
with open(concat_file, 'wt') as outf:
with open(inReference, 'rt') as inf:
for line in inf:
if not refName and line.startswith('>'):
refName = line[1:].strip()
with open(inFasta, 'rt') as inf:
for line in inf:
tools.muscle.MuscleTool().execute(concat_file, muscle_align)
args = [muscle_align, outFasta, refName,
'--call-reference-ns', '--trim-ends',
'--replace-5ends', '--replace-3ends',
'--replace-length', str(replaceLength),
if newName:
args = args + ['--name', newName]
args = parser_modify_contig().parse_args(args)
tempFastas = []

pmc = parser_modify_contig()

with open(inFasta, 'r') as asmFastaFile:
with open(inReference, 'r') as refFastaFile:
asmFasta = Bio.SeqIO.parse(asmFastaFile , 'fasta')
refFasta = Bio.SeqIO.parse(refFastaFile , 'fasta')
for idx, (refSeqObj, asmSeqObj) in enumerate(zip_longest(refFasta, asmFasta)):
# our zip fails if one file has more seqs than the other
if not refSeqObj or not asmSeqObj:
raise KeyError("inFasta and inReference do not have the same number of sequences.")

minLength = len(refSeqObj) * minLengthFraction
non_n_count = unambig_count(asmSeqObj.seq)
seq_len = len(asmSeqObj)
if seq_len<minLength or non_n_count<seq_len*minUnambig:
raise PoorAssemblyError(idx+1, seq_len, non_n_count)

tmpOutputFile = util.file.mkstempfname(prefix='seq-out-{idx}-'.format(idx=idx), suffix=".fasta")

concat_file = util.file.mkstempfname('.ref_and_actual.fasta')
muscle_align = util.file.mkstempfname('.muscle.fasta')
refName =
with open(concat_file, 'wt') as outf:
Bio.SeqIO.write([refSeqObj, asmSeqObj], outf, "fasta")

tools.muscle.MuscleTool().execute(concat_file, muscle_align)
args = [muscle_align, tmpOutputFile, refName,
'--call-reference-ns', '--trim-ends',
'--replace-5ends', '--replace-3ends',
'--replace-length', str(replaceLength),
if newName:
# TODO: may need to add/remove the "-idx" for downstream
args.extend(['-n', newName+"-"+str(idx+1)])

args = pmc.parse_args(args)


util.file.concat(tempFastas, outFasta)

# Index final output FASTA for Picard/GATK, Samtools, and Novoalign
tools.picard.CreateSequenceDictionaryTool().execute(outFasta, overwrite=True)
tools.samtools.SamtoolsTool().faidx(outFasta, overwrite=True)

for tmpFile in tempFastas:

return 0

def parser_impute_from_reference(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
Expand All @@ -273,8 +318,8 @@ def parser_impute_from_reference(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
help='Output assembly, FASTA format.')
parser.add_argument("--newName", default=None,
help="rename output chromosome (default: do not rename)")
parser.add_argument("--minLength", type=int, default=0,
help="minimum length for contig (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("--minLengthFraction", type=float, default=0.9,
help="minimum length for contig, as fraction of reference (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("--minUnambig", type=float, default=0.0,
help="minimum percentage unambiguous bases for contig (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("--replaceLength", type=int, default=0,
Expand All @@ -287,7 +332,7 @@ def parser_impute_from_reference(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):

def refine_assembly(inFasta, inBam, outFasta,
outVcf=None, outBam=None, novo_params='', min_coverage=2,
chr_names=[], keep_all_reads=False, JVMmemory=None):
chr_names=[], keep_all_reads=False, JVMmemory=None, threads=1):
''' This a refinement step where we take a crude assembly, align
all reads back to it, and modify the assembly to the majority
allele at each position based on read pileups.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,15 +369,15 @@ def refine_assembly(inFasta, inBam, outFasta,
picardOptions=opts, JVMmemory=JVMmemory)
realignBam = util.file.mkstempfname('.realign.bam')
gatk.local_realign(rmdupBam, deambigFasta, realignBam, JVMmemory=JVMmemory)
gatk.local_realign(rmdupBam, deambigFasta, realignBam, JVMmemory=JVMmemory, threads=threads)
if outBam:
shutil.copyfile(realignBam, outBam)

# Modify original assembly with VCF calls from GATK
tmpVcf = util.file.mkstempfname('.vcf.gz')
tmpFasta = util.file.mkstempfname('.fasta'), deambigFasta, tmpVcf, JVMmemory=JVMmemory), deambigFasta, tmpVcf, JVMmemory=JVMmemory, threads=threads)
name_opts = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,6 +428,9 @@ def parser_refine_assembly(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
help='JVM virtual memory size (default: %(default)s)')
help='Number of threads (default: %(default)s)')
util.cmd.common_args(parser, (('loglevel',None), ('version',None), ('tmpDir',None)))
util.cmd.attach_main(parser, refine_assembly, split_args=True)
return parser
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +474,7 @@ def parser_modify_contig(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()):
parser.add_argument("input", help="input alignment of reference and contig (should contain exactly 2 sequences)")
parser.add_argument("output", help="Destination file for modified contigs")
parser.add_argument("ref", help="reference sequence name (exact match required)")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--name",
parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", type=str,
help="fasta header output name (default: existing header)",
parser.add_argument("-cn", "--call-reference-ns",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,9 +518,12 @@ def main_modify_contig(args):
Author: rsealfon.
aln =, args.format)

# TODO?: take list of alignments in, one per chromosome, rather than
# single alignment

if len(aln) != 2:
raise Exception("alignment does not contain exactly 2 sequences")
raise Exception("alignment does not contain exactly 2 sequences, %s found" % len(aln))
elif aln[0].name == args.ref:
ref_idx = 0
consensus_idx = 1
Expand All @@ -499,7 +550,10 @@ def main_modify_contig(args):

with open(args.output, "wt") as f:
name = and or aln[consensus_idx].name
if hasattr(args, "name"):
name =
name = aln[consensus_idx].name
for line in util.file.fastaMaker([(name, mc.get_stripped_consensus())]):
return 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -673,6 +727,7 @@ def vcfrow_parse_and_call_snps(vcfrow, samples, min_dp=0, major_cutoff=0.5, min_
for i in range(len(samples)):
sample = samples[i]
rec = vcfrow[i+9].split(':')

# require a minimum read coverage
if len(alleles)==1:
# simple invariant case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -792,6 +847,11 @@ def main_vcf_to_fasta(args):
with util.vcf.VcfReader(args.inVcf) as vcf:
chrlens = dict(vcf.chrlens())
samples = vcf.samples()

assert len(samples) == 1, """Multiple sample columns were found in the intermediary VCF file
of the refine_assembly step, suggesting multiple sample names are present
upstream in the BAM file. Please correct this so there is only one sample in the BAM file."""

with open(args.outFasta, 'wt') as outf:
chr_idx = 0
for header, seq in vcf_to_seqs(util.file.read_tabfile(args.inVcf),
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions docs/install.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ NOVOALIGN_PATH. These should be set to the full directory path
that contains these tools (the jar file for GATK and the executable
binaries for Novoalign).

In order to run GATK, you will need to have an appropriate version of
the Java JDK installed. As of this writing, Java 1.7 is required for
GATK 3.3.0.

Alternatively, if you are using the Snakemake pipelines, you can create
a dictionary called "env_vars" in the config.json file for Snakemake,
and the pipelines will automatically set all environment variables prior
Expand Down

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