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Merge pull request #53 from broadinstitute/dp-indels
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dpark01 committed Dec 22, 2014
2 parents 5b33118 + d4c1656 commit f87b15c
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Showing 24 changed files with 545 additions and 2,299 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ install:
- conda create -n env-conda --yes "python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION"
- source activate env-conda
- conda install --yes cython numpy scipy pandas pip
- pip install `cat requirements.txt | grep -v numpy | grep -v scipy | grep -v Cython`
- pip install coveralls nose-cov
- pip install -q `cat requirements.txt | grep -v numpy | grep -v scipy | grep -vi cython`
- pip install -q coveralls nose-cov

# command to run tests
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80 changes: 70 additions & 10 deletions
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log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def assemble_trinity(inFastq1, inFastq2):
def assemble_trinity(inBam, clipDb, n_reads):
''' This step runs the Trinity assembler.
First trim reads with trimmomatic, rmdup with prinseq,
and random subsample to no more than 100k reads.
shell("{config[binDir]}/ bam_to_fastq {input} {params.tmpf_infq}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ trim_trimmomatic {params.tmpf_infq} {params.tmpf_trim} {params.clipDb}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ rmdup_prinseq_fastq {params.tmpf_trim} {params.tmpf_rmdup}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ purge_unmated {params.tmpf_rmdup} {output[1]} {output[2]}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/tools/scripts/ -n {params.n_reads} -mode p -in {output[1]} {output[2]} -out {params.tmpf_subsamp}")
shell("reuse -q Java-1.6 && perl /idi/sabeti-scratch/kandersen/bin/trinity_old/ --CPU 1 --min_contig_length 300 --seqType fq --left {params.tmpf_subsamp[0]} --right {params.tmpf_subsamp[1]} --output {params.tmpd_trinity}")
shutil.copyfile(params.tmpd_trinity+"/Trinity.fasta", output[0])
raise NotImplementedError()

def align_and_orient_vfat(inFasta, inReference, outFasta):
def align_and_orient_vfat(inFasta, inReference, outFasta, minLength, minUnambig, replaceLength):
''' This step cleans up the Trinity assembly with a known reference genome.
VFAT (maybe Bellini later): take the Trinity contigs, align them to
the known reference genome, switch it to the same strand as the
reference, and produce chromosome-level assemblies (with runs of
N's in between the Trinity contigs).
filter_short_seqs: We then toss out all assemblies that come out to
< 15kb or < 95% unambiguous and fail otherwise.
modify_contig: Finally, we trim off anything at the end that exceeds
the length of the known reference assembly. We also replace all
Ns and everything within 55bp of the chromosome ends with the
reference sequence. This is clearly incorrect consensus sequence,
but it allows downstream steps to map reads in parts of the genome
that would otherwise be Ns, and we will correct all of the inferred
positions with two steps of read-based refinement (below), and
revert positions back to Ns where read support is lacking.
shell("{config[binDir]}/tools/scripts/vfat/ {input[0]} {params.refGenome} {params.tmpf_prefix}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/tools/scripts/vfat/ {params.tmpf_prefix}_orientedContigs {params.refGenome} -readfq {input[1]} -readfq2 {input[2]} -fakequals 30 {params.tmpf_prefix}")
shell("cat {params.tmpf_prefix}*assembly.fa > {params.tmpf_prefix}_prefilter.fasta")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ filter_short_seqs {params.tmpf_prefix}_prefilter.fasta {params.length} {params.min_unambig} {output[0]}")
shell("cat {output[0]} {params.refGenome} | /idi/sabeti-scratch/kandersen/bin/muscle/muscle -out {params.tmpf_muscle} -quiet")
refName = first_fasta_header(params.refGenome)
shell("{config[binDir]}/ modify_contig {params.tmpf_muscle} {output[1]} {refName} --name {params.renamed_prefix}{wildcards.sample} --call-reference-ns --trim-ends --replace-5ends --replace-3ends --replace-length {params.replace_length} --replace-end-gaps")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_picard {output[1]}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_samtools {output[1]}")
raise NotImplementedError()

def refine_assembly_with_reads(inFasta, inReads, outFasta):
def refine_assembly_with_reads(inFasta, inBam, outFasta, outVcf=None, outBam=None, novo_params=''):
''' This a refinement step where we take the VFAT assembly,
align all reads back to it, and modify the assembly to the majority
allele at each position based on read pileups.
This step considers both SNPs as well as indels called by GATK
and will correct the consensus based on GATK calls.
Reads are aligned with Novoalign, then PCR duplicates are removed
with Picard (in order to debias the allele counts in the pileups),
and realigned with GATK's IndelRealigner (in order to call indels).
Output FASTA file is indexed for Picard, Samtools, and Novoalign.
shell("{config[binDir]}/ deambig_fasta {input[0]} {output[0]}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_picard {output[0]}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_samtools {output[0]}")
novoalign(input[1], input[0], wildcards.sample, params.tmpf_bam1, options=params.novoalign_options, min_qual=1)
shell("{config[binDir]}/ mkdup_picard {params.tmpf_bam1} {params.tmpf_bam2} --remove --picardOptions CREATE_INDEX=true")
gatk_local_realign(params.tmpf_bam2, output[0], output[1], params.tmpf_intervals)
gatk_ug(output[1], output[0], output[2])
shell("{config[binDir]}/ vcf_to_fasta {output[2]} {output[3]} --trim_ends --min_coverage 2")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_picard {output[3]}")
shell("{config[binDir]}/ index_fasta_samtools {output[3]}")
raise NotImplementedError()

def align_novoalign(inBam, inFasta, outBam):
# make sure inFasta is indexed for Novoalign, create them if they don't exist
# run Novoalign to align input fastqs to inFasta
# convert outputs to BAM using Picard and other tools
# index/sort BAM file
raise NotImplementedError()

def unambig_count(seq):
unambig = set(('A','T','C','G'))
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66 changes: 39 additions & 27 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ def get_json_from_picard(picardDir):
if len(jsonfile) != 1:
raise Exception("error")
return jsonfile[0]
def get_run_date(jsonFile):
def get_run_date(jsonfile):
with open(jsonfile, 'rt') as inf:
runDate = json.load(inf)['workflow']['runDate']
return runDate
def get_bustard_dir(jsonFile):
def get_bustard_dir(jsonfile):
with open(jsonfile, 'rt') as inf:
bustard = json.load(inf)['workflow']['runFolder']
return bustard
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,41 +64,53 @@ def main_get_run_date(args) :
# *** misc ***
# ===============

def get_all_samples(runfile):
samples = set()
for lane in util.file.read_tabfile_dict(runfile):
def iterate_lanes(runfile):
for flowcellfile in util.file.read_tabfile(runfile):
for lane in util.file.read_tabfile_dict(flowcellfile[0]):
yield lane
def iterate_wells(runfile):
for lane in iterate_lanes(runfile):
for well in util.file.read_tabfile_dict(lane['barcode_file']):
return list(sorted(samples))
yield (lane,well)

def get_all_samples(runfile):
return list(sorted(set(well['sample']
for lane, well in iterate_wells(runfile))))

def get_all_libraries(runfile):
libs = set()
for lane in util.file.read_tabfile_dict(runfile):
for well in util.file.read_tabfile_dict(lane['barcode_file']):
libs.add(well['sample'] + '.l' + well['library_id_per_sample'])
return list(sorted(libs))
return list(sorted(set(well['sample'] + '.l' + well['library_id_per_sample']
for lane, well in iterate_wells(runfile))))

def parser_get_samples() :
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get all samples')
parser.add_argument('runfile', help='File with seq run information')
util.cmd.common_args(parser, (('loglevel', 'ERROR'),))
return parser
def main_get_samples(args) :
for s in get_all_samples(args.runfile):
return 0
__commands__.append(('get_samples', main_get_samples, parser_get_samples))
def get_run_id(well):
run_id = well['sample']
if well.get('library_id_per_sample'):
run_id += '.l' + well['library_id_per_sample']
if well.get('run_id_per_library'):
run_id += '.r' + well['run_id_per_library']
return run_id

def get_all_runs(runfile):
return list(sorted(get_run_id(well) +'.'+ lane['flowcell'] +'.'+ lane['lane']
for lane, well in iterate_wells(runfile)))

def parser_get_libraries() :
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get all libraries')
def parser_get_all_names():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get all samples')
parser.add_argument('type', help='Type of name',
choices=['samples', 'libraries', 'runs'])
parser.add_argument('runfile', help='File with seq run information')
util.cmd.common_args(parser, (('loglevel', 'ERROR'),))
return parser
def main_get_libraries(args) :
for s in get_all_libraries(args.runfile):
def main_get_all_names(args) :
if args.type=='samples':
method = get_all_samples
elif args.type=='libraries':
method = get_all_libraries
elif args.type=='runs':
method = get_all_runs
for s in method(args.runfile):
return 0
__commands__.append(('get_libraries', main_get_libraries, parser_get_libraries))
__commands__.append(('get_all_names', main_get_all_names, parser_get_all_names))

# =============================
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