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Releases: broadinstitute/dig-diabetes-portal

All-KPN intermediate release

26 Feb 18:31
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Need to update portal code for all portals to address changes in Google authorization. This deploys the Analysis modules ("mode 3") page slightly ahead of schedule.

First launch of ALSKP

07 Feb 20:37
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fix the url

CDKP mdv74

22 Jan 14:12
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Deploying mdv74 for the stroke portal with one new dataset, no new features.

mdv36 release further update

02 Jan 19:51
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The "correction" in the previous release was necessary because the production portal was pointing to an old DB. This update restores the GWAS_Leptin_eu data page that is necessary for the current version of mdv36.

This update also includes updated css from DK that formats the GRS page as a standalone page rather than as a page section. This change is transparent to users.

Date is date of deployment; e569a49 is git repo number of KB code.

mdv36 release correction

02 Jan 15:31
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I found that I had not accounted for the change in the name of the GWAS_Leptin_eu dataset to GWAS_Leptin, so the Data page was broken. This is corrected in this release.

Date is date of deployment; e569a49 is git repo number of KB code

mdv36 release

21 Dec 14:37
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T2DKP new datasets:
Leptin GWAS
Palmitoleic 16:1n7 associations
Serum urate GWAS
Adiponectin GWAS
N6 polyunsaturated fatty acid GWAS

Date is date of deployment; e569a49 is git repo number of KB code

Updating dataset and phenotype stats on home page

15 Dec 14:07
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Date is date of deployment; e569a49 is git repo number of KB code

release for publication of AF WGS paper

11 Dec 16:41
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releasing mdv96 coincident with publication of paper

November MI release 2018

11 Nov 20:54
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heart failure GWAS

Manhattan plot bug fix

26 Oct 14:34
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Bug fixes:

  • in Manhattan plots, points were not distributed across chromosomal coordinates
  • in LocusZoom on common variants tab, DIAMANTE dataset was displaying credible set variants rather than all variants
    KB tag is October-ASHG-2018