This toolbox includes functions for the reconstruction of BIM geometry from meshes. It features a general modular pipeline with the following steps
- Utility: Some utility functions for mesh and point cloud mutation.
- Segmentation: segments meshes and point clouds
- Classification: labels the segments into walls, ceilings, floors, etc.
- Clustering: groups labelled segments into groups of walls
- Reconstruction: extracts information from grouped segments to feed BIM geometry e.g. walls.
- Linked Building Data: Publish the intermediate results as .sjon/.rdf
The Example files contain example code for each step.
The Samples contains some meshes and point clouds for each step.
Step 1-3 are based on Matlab code. To develop the native matlab functions, use the related toolboxes (see Related Toolboxes Section)
Install Vstudio
Install .NET framework 4.6.1
Install GIT
Install LFS GIT
Clone all repositories (LFS does not support regular download)
Install Volvox
Install EleFront and MeshEdit (put it in C:\Users...\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries)
install matlab runtime 9.4.1 (2018a)
Open project solution
Add reference paths (properties of C# project Scan2BIM)
build solution
Right-click the .gha and .dll files > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
start Rhino
enter commandline GrassHopperDevelopersettings and add \bin folder (where you just built the plugin)
Restart Rhino and Grasshopper
open a model containing several meshes (e.g. Samples\1.Mechelen_castle)
open a grasshopper canvas (e.g. Examples\Classification\
reference the meshes in the geometry on the left
bake the classified geometry on the right
There are several large files in this repository (matlab .dll's and sample files) Use github's Large File System (LFS) to push changes to the origin.
- make sure the .dll files are tracked after commiting
- git lfs track '*.dll'
- git lfs track '*.mat'
- git lfs track '*.3dm'
- git lfs track '*.obj'
- git lfs track '*.stl'
- git lfs track '*.json'
- git lfs track '*.rdf'
If you use this software in a publication, please cite the work using the following information:
Bassier M., Vergauwen M. (2019) Clustering of Wall Geometry from Unstructured Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields. Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1586;
Courtesy of the KU Leuven research group in Geomatics, TC BOUW, Department of Civil Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Do not use for commercial purposes.
- M. Schmidt. UGM: A Matlab toolbox for probabilistic undirected graphical models., 2007.
- MATLAB Runtime version 9.4 (R2018a). You can download it at
- Volvox , DURAARK a European project
- RhinoInside
- Rhinocommon
- .NET framework 4.6.1
- EleFront grasshopper plugin
- MeshEdit Components grasshopper plugin
The grashopper plug in consumes following Open Source Toolboxes from the same author.
- S2B-Segmentation
- S2B-Classification
- S2B-Clustering
- S2B-Reconstruction