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Digital resource analysis

victoriamorris edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 12 revisions

Digital resource analysis


"Print" is used here as shorthand for physical resources; audio recordings, etc. are therefore included as 'print' material.


(click to expand)

The aim of this exercise is to identify which records describe material which is linked to (as opposed to stored on site).


A record which describes linked to material should have:

  • 856 field - containing the external link
    • 1st indicator: # or 4
    • 2nd indicator: #, 0 or 8
    • Subfields $u (the URL) and $y (display text for the online catalogue)
  • 859 field - digital resource flag
    • Subfield $a should contain ELD, ORR or XLD
    • Subfield $b should also be present, and should contain a code similar to that found in field DRT subfield $a
  • DRT field - digital record type
    • Subfield $a should contain one of:
      • DCW
      • ETHOS
      • LD-ebooks
      • LD-escores
    • Other values are permitted in DRT $a, but do not appear in records for linked-to resources.


  1. In practice, the indicators of field 856 cannot be relied upon.
  2. Records for ETHOS material do not routinely contain 856 $y.
  3. There are some classes of material where the DRT and 859 fields are not present. These include:
    • Records containing links to the British Newspaper Archive
      (Note 2nd indicator 2)
      =856 42$31855-1870$u$yBritish Newspaper Archive
    • Records containing links to images of maps on Flickr
      (Note 2nd indicator 1)
      =856 41$3Copy at Maps K.Top.81.73.a.$u$yDigitised item
    • Records containing links to the BL Online Gallery
      (Note 2nd indicator 1)
      =856 41$3Copy at Maps Crace Port. 15.4$u$yDigitised map
    • Records containing links Proquest U.K. Parliamentary Papers
      (Note 2nd indicator 1)
      =856 41$u$yProquest U.K. Parliamentary Papers

856 in holdings records

(click to expand)

There are 581 instances of field 856 in 574 records in BLL60. Records can be downloaded from Reports/Records for linked-to material/Links in holdings records.

The records fall into 7 categories:

Category Number of records Subfields in 856 General form of 856 852 596 Notes 856 in parent 859 in parent 959 in parent Notes on parent
ASME e-journals 33 $u, $y =856 40$uhttp://<journaltitle><xxxx>$yASME e-journal No =596 \\$aASME e-journal Equivalent 856 without subfield $y
Also: =856 \\$31850-9999$u$xBLDSS
=859 \\$aORR$bejournal Yes; mostly =959 \\$fCurrently received
De Gruyter e-book 46 $u, $y =856 40$u<ISBN>$yDe Gruyter ebook One record has =852 \\$aBritish Library$bSTI, which should presumably be deleted No Equivalent 856 without subfield $y =859 \\$aORR$bpurchased ebook No
East View e-books 169 $u, $y =856 40$u<xxxxx>$yEast View E-book No No No =859 \\$aORR$bdonated ebook No
Springer e-books 295 $u =856 40$u Mostly =852 \\$aBritish Library$bDSC 2 records have =596 \\$aSpringer eBooks (2005-2015) and no 852; the 856s in these records have a different form =856 \\$31850-9999$u$xBLDSS
Most records have other links without $x as well
=859 \\$aXLD$bejournal and/or =859 \\$aXLD$bejournal Mostly =959 \\$fCurrently available 852s in parent record indicate that there are print holdings as well
Crace maps 15 instances $3, $u, $y =856 41$3Copy at Maps Crace Port. <xxxx>$u<xxxx>.html$yDigitised map 852 with MAPS shelfmark No 856 should be moved to BLL01? 13 records have the same 856 in the parent; 2 are missing No No
IP Open Access 10 instances $u No standard form =852 71$aBritish Library$bSTI$cBIPC$hIP Open Access No No No No
  • 6 instances, 3 of which are errors (field tag incorrect)
  • Other 856s are:
    • 018127024: =856 40$u$u
      =856 40$u
    • 018127118: =856 40$u
    • 018127194: =856 40$u

SFX records

(click to expand)

SFX e-resources enable the BL to provide access to content that the Library does not ingest.

Category Number of records FMT 852 with print shelfmark 852 with digital store shelfmark Other 852 856 Other 856 (without $y or $z) 859 959 FFP
SFX - Check 1 SE N N $aBritish Library$bDSC$3Access via link to publishers website 2021- $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$aORR$bejournal AND $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - Check 1 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$xSFX N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS AND $3 $u $xOA-J N ```$aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM AND $aY$bSFX
SFX - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX - extra 856 2 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX 13 SE N N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS AND $3 $u $xOA-J Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 11 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store - extra 856 51 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Digital store 1 SE N Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 1 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 1 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print - extra 856 6 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print 4 SE Y N N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - Check 3 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM AND $aY$bSFX
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y $aBritish Library$bHMNTS$jDIGITAL STORE $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received AND $aBritish Library$bDSC$j2303.890000 $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 - Check 1 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal N $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 20 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fHeld but not currently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store - extra 856 265 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital store - extra 856 3 SE Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS Y $aXLD$bejouarnal$cSFX AND $aELD$bejournal $fCurrently received $aY$bBLDSS-3PM
SFX + Print + Digital Store 1 BK Y Y N $3 $u $xBLDSS N $aXLD$bejournal$cSFX $fCurrently available $aY$bBLDSS-3PM

Values found in field 859

The following values were found in field 859. Erroneous values are marked with a red exclamation mark (❗).

List of values (click to expand)
  • ELD ❗
  • ELD--ebook
  • ELD--ejournal
  • ELD--emap
  • ELD--escore
  • ELDzJapan.--ebook ❗
  • ORR--Alexander Street Press
  • ORR--donated ebook
  • ORR--ejournal
  • ORR--ejournal+ejournal ❗
  • ORR--JapanKnowledge
  • ORR--Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • ORR--purchased ebook
  • ORR--SAE mobilus purchased ejournal database
  • ORR--World Health Organization
  • XLD ❗
  • XLD+ORR--ejournal ❗
  • XLD--Cambridge Digital Library
  • XLD--datasets
  • XLD--DCW
  • XLD--DCW+France in the Americas Project
  • XLD--edepositIreland
  • XLD--ejouarnal ❗
  • XLD--ejournal
  • XLD--e-journal ❗
  • XLD--EThOS
  • XLD--EU Bookshop
  • XLD--georeferencer
  • XLD--GOOGLEBOOKS+France in the Americas Project
  • XLD--Knowledge Unlatched
  • XLD--Marcive
  • XLD--MS Digitised
  • XLD--MSD
  • XLD--Non-UK official document
  • XLD--Springer e-journal
  • XLD--UK Web Archive
  • XLD--WW1


(click to expand)

Records in BLL01 were categorised according to:

  • Field 852
    • Presence or absence of shelfmark
    • Whether the shelfmark(s) present appears to relate to a physical or digital resource
  • 856 fields
    • Presence of subfields $u and $y
    • Presence and content of subfield $x
  • 859 fields
    • Content of subfields $a and $b
    • Content of subfield $c (which indicates SFX records)
  • DRT fields
    • Content of subfield $a
  • EST fields
    • Content of subfield $a
  • STA field
    • Content of subfield $a

Shelfmarks containing "Digital Store" or "ELD.DS" were recorded as relating to digital resources. Shelfmarks containing "e-media" were recorded as relating to physical resources (CD-ROMs) except where it could be explicity established otherwise. All other shelfmarks were assumed to indicate physical resources.

The table below lists the categories found, and the number of records in each.

It is logically possible for a print-like shelfmark and an external link to appear in the same record - for example in the case of an electronic publication distributed on CD-ROM and online.

The full analysis is available to download as a spreadsheet or in more detail .

Lists of record IDs for each category can be found in [this folder] (NOT YET AVAILABLE).

Table of categories (click to expand)
Category count Physical resource Ingested digital resource Linked-to electronic resource BLDSS SFX ESTAR ELD / ORR / XLD Record status Error category
1 Y Y Expected but not present XLD Check required
6 Y Y Y XLD Fix before migration
3 Y Y Y Y ELD Does not affect migration
4386 Y Y Y Y ELD Fix before migration
347 Y Y Y Y ELD
1 Y Y Y Y ELD / ORR / XLD Fix before migration
27 Y Y Y Y ELD / XLD Does not affect migration
406 Y Y Y Y ELD / XLD Fix before migration
57 Y Y Y Y ELD / XLD
223 Y Y Y Y Does not affect migration
2600 Y Y Y Y
192 Y Y Y ELD Fix before migration
14 Y Y Y ELD
1 Y Y Y ELD / XLD Fix before migration
125 Y Y Y
97 Y Y Y ELD Fix before migration
36 Y Y Y Fix before migration
10 Y Y ELD Fix before migration
11 Y Y ELD
2 Y Y XLD Check required
1 Y Y XLD Fix before migration
12 Y Y Suppressed Check required
3 Y Y Check required
1 Y Y Y Check required
1 Y Y ORR Check required
311 Y Y XLD Suppressed
1 Y Y XLD Check required
3 Y Y XLD Fix before migration
7 Y Y XLD Policy decision required
269192 Y Y XLD
4 Y Y Suppressed Check required
17362 Y Y Check required
113 Y Y Does not affect migration
81 Y Y Fix before migration
4235 Y Y Policy decision required
376721 Y Y
13 Y Y Y ELD Fix before migration
1 Y Y Y ORR / XLD Check required
496 Y Y Y XLD Check required
43 Y Y Y XLD Does not affect migration
113 Y Y Y XLD Fix before migration
5350 Y Y Y Check required
1 Y Y Y Does not affect migration
5 Y Y XLD Suppressed Check required
7 Y Y XLD Check required
2 Y Y XLD Fix before migration
34 Y Y Suppressed
4 Y Y Check required
2582 Y Y Does not affect migration
1151 Y Y Fix before migration
219680 Y Y
1 Y Y ELD Check required
4 Y Y XLD Check required
118 Y Y Check required
1 Y ELD Suppressed Check required
24 Y ELD Check required
141 Y XLD Suppressed
81 Y XLD Fix before migration
366823 Y XLD
40 Y Suppressed Does not affect migration
620 Y Suppressed Fix before migration
136362 Y Suppressed
2 Y Check required
20076 Y Does not affect migration
125658 Y Fix before migration
13989733 Y
76 Expected but not present ELD Suppressed Check required
488 Expected but not present ELD Check required
1 Expected but not present XLD Suppressed Check required
7 Expected but not present XLD Check required
1 Y Expected but not present ELD / XLD Check required
17 Y Expected but not present XLD Suppressed Check required
166097 Y Expected but not present XLD Check required
58 Y Y ELD Suppressed
2 Y Y ELD Fix before migration
8622 Y Y ELD
19 Y Y XLD Suppressed
375 Y Y XLD Fix before migration
1 Y Y XLD Policy decision required
369424 Y Y XLD
1 Y Y (Ethos records do not have 856 $y) XLD Does not affect migration
54 Y Y Y ELD Fix before migration
55 Y Y Y ELD
9 Y Y ELD Suppressed
4236 Y Y ELD Fix before migration
219 Y Y ELD
2 Y Y ELD / ORR / XLD Fix before migration
9 Y Y ELD / XLD Fix before migration
1 Y Y ELD Check required
1403 Y ELD Suppressed Fix before migration
12 Y ELD Suppressed Policy decision required
803 Y ELD Suppressed
1 Y ELD Does not affect migration
40049 Y ELD Fix before migration
838328 Y ELD
888 Y VDEP Suppressed Fix before migration
216 Y VDEP Suppressed
3212 Y XLD Suppressed Fix before migration
25 Y XLD Suppressed Policy decision required
16 Y XLD Suppressed
3 Y XLD Check required
48841 Y XLD Fix before migration
6025 Y XLD
361 Y Suppressed Check required
784 Y Suppressed Fix before migration
13 Y Check required
1 Expected but not present ORR Check required
1 Expected but not present XLD Suppressed Does not affect migration
14 Expected but not present XLD Check required
1 Y Y XLD Policy decision required
1 Y ELD Suppressed
2 Y ELD Fix before migration
1470 Y ORR Fix before migration
14470 Y ORR
84 Y XLD Suppressed
1 Y XLD Check required
62304 Y XLD Fix before migration
398908 Y XLD
25 Y Check required
1 Y Y ELD Check required
1 Y Y ORR Check required
19 Y Y XLD Check required
10 Y Y Suppressed
366 Y Y
16 Y ELD Check required
1 Y XLD Check required
23 Y Suppressed
5 Y Check required
484 Y Fix before migration
14241 Y
1 Y Suppressed Check required
19 Y Check required
6 ELD Suppressed Does not affect migration
13 ELD Does not affect migration
9 ELD Fix before migration
1 ORR Check required
169 ORR Does not affect migration
2 XLD Suppressed Check required
1 XLD Suppressed Does not affect migration
1 XLD Suppressed Fix before migration
3 XLD Suppressed Policy decision required
266 XLD Does not affect migration
44337 Suppressed Check required
249212 Suppressed Does not affect migration
11 Suppressed Fix before migration
17 Suppressed
17549 Check required
693903 Does not affect migration
662 Fix before migration
35 Policy decision required

Finally, the categories above were aggregated into broader categories, as in the table below.

In this context No shelfmark indicates an 852 field without a shelfmark (this usually means that the field is lacking subfield $j).

Category Number of records
Print holdings 14493083
Print holdings - Error 146476
Print holdings + BLDSS link 219716
Print holdings + BLDSS link - Error 3735
Print holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR 3237
Print holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error 2781
Print holdings + ESTAR 54
Print holdings + ESTAR - Error 68
Print holdings + Link 269499
Print holdings + Link - Error 3424
Print holdings + Link with subfield $y 394078
Print holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error 1026
Print holdings + Link with subfield $y + ESTAR 1
Digital holdings 845749
Digital holdings - Error 261347
Digital holdings + BLDSS link 228
Digital holdings + BLDSS link - Error 4247
Digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR 55
Digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error 54
Digital holdings + Link - Error 1
Digital holdings + Link with subfield $y 378125
Digital holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error 377
Analytics of digital holdings - Error 280
Print and digital holdings 13
Print and digital holdings - Error 24
Print and digital holdings + BLDSS link 139
Print and digital holdings + BLDSS link - Error 193
Print and digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR 3004
Print and digital holdings + BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error 5046
Print and digital holdings + ESTAR 9
Print and digital holdings + ESTAR - Error 133
Print and digital holdings + Link with subfield $y - Error 6
BLDSS link 14267
BLDSS link - Error 540
BLDSS link + ESTAR 365
BLDSS link + ESTAR - Error 32
Link with subfield $y 413488
Link with subfield $y - Error 63777
ESTAR - Error 2
No resource 2754624
No resource - Error 62535
No shelfmark 87318
No shelfmark - Error 394
Unknown holdings - Error 2448
Check individually 290
Test records to delete 1

Lists of record IDs for each category can be found in [this folder] (not yet available).