IslandCompare is designed to process sets of microbial genomes and present genomic island content with an interactive visual designed to enable exploration of cross-genome genomic island content.
This script provides a command line interface to a IslandCompare deployment.
The default host is
You will need an API key to access the service. It can be found in the instructions on the Analysis page at
For one off analysis use the ./ upload_run
command. For repeated analysis
please use the ./ upload
, ./ run
, and ./ download
This utility requires Python 3 and BioBlend 0.14 to be installed.
For one off analysis you will want to use the upload_run
$ mkdir output
$ ./ --key MYAPIKEY upload_run 'Analysis label' ./path/to/data/*.gbk ./output/
Analysis ID:
'Analysis label'
is a helpful label to identify the analysis in the runs
command. In the event you lose connection,
you can resume waiting using ./ --key MYAPIKEY download 123456789AB ./output/
'123456789AB' is the analysis id output when the job was initially ran.
BASH and other compatible shells will automatically expand the
glob pattern ./path/to/data/*.gbk
to a space separated list of
the matching files. You can use this to avoid having to write out each file path individually.
will delete all uploaded data and the analysis upon completion. This allows you to run many analyses in series
without having to worry about quotas.
The remaining commands are mostly useful when calling from a script. This allows fine grained control of the upload, run, and download process. One important thing to note is that the output of each of the commands sends the human readable messages and headers to stderr while the pertinent information you will want to capture is sent to stdout.
This allows doing something similar to the following in a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Upload
for file in ./data/*.gbk
DATASETS+=(`./ --key $KEY upload $file`)
# Run
RUN=`./ --key $KEY run 'batch job' $DATASETS`
# Wait and download
./ --key $KEY download $RUN ./output/
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] --key KEY {upload,list,delete,reference,run,runs,download,cancel,upload_run} ...
IslandCompare command line interface
IslandCompare is designed to process sets of microbial genomes and present genomic island content with an interactive
visual designed to enable exploration of cross-genome genomic island content.
Datasets must be either Genbank or EMBL format.
For one off analysis use the `./ upload_run` command. For repeated analysis
please use the `./ upload`, `./ run`, and `./ download` commands.
If you are providing your own phylogenetic tree it must be in Newick format.
The Newick dataset can contain identifiers that either refer to the dataset accession or the dataset label.
Keep in mind that dataset labels default to the file name if not provided at upload.
positional arguments:
upload Upload datasets
list List uploaded datasets
delete Delete uploaded datasets
reference List available references to align drafts to
run Run IslandCompare
runs List submitted analysis
download Download analysis results
cancel Cancel or delete analysis
errors Get any errors during analysis
upload_run Upload, run analysis, and download results
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Galaxy instance url
--key KEY API key. Key for the default host is provided on the Analysis page at
See for a GUI
usage: upload [-h] path label
Upload datasets
positional arguments:
path Path of dataset to upload
label Dataset label. Defaults to file name.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: list [-h]
List uploaded datasets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: delete [-h] ID
Delete uploaded datasets
positional arguments:
ID Dataset ID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: reference [-h] [query]
List available references to align drafts to
positional arguments:
query Filter on a provided substring
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: run [-h] [-r REFERENCE_ID] [-o OUTPUT] [-a NEWICK_ID | -l NEWICK_ID] analysis_label ID [ID ...]
Run IslandCompare
positional arguments:
analysis_label Analysis label
ID IDs of Genbank or EMBL datasets as returned by the upload or list commands. Minimum of 2
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REFERENCE_ID Reference ID to align drafts to. See 'reference' command
-o OUTPUT Wait for analysis to complete and output results to path
-a NEWICK_ID Newick dataset ID containing accession identifiers
-l NEWICK_ID Newick dataset ID containing dataset label identifiers
usage: runs [-h]
List submitted analysis
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: download [-h] ID path
Download analysis results
positional arguments:
ID Analysis ID
path Path to output result datasets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: cancel [-h] ID
Cancel or delete analysis
positional arguments:
ID Analysis ID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: errors [-h] ID
Get any errors during analysis
positional arguments:
ID Analysis ID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: upload_run [-h] [-r REFERENCE_ID]
label path [path ...] output_path
Upload, run analysis, and download results
positional arguments:
label Analysis label
path Paths to Genbank or EMBL datasets. Minimum of 2
output_path Path to output result datasets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REFERENCE_ID Reference ID to align drafts to. See 'reference' command
-a NEWICK_PATH Newick dataset ID containing accession identifiers
-l NEWICK_PATH Newick dataset ID containing dataset label identifiers