Features & Changes:
- added button to open current project inside the explorer
- added setting to open all nodes upon opening a file
- added loading windows
- added shortcuts to open/close all nodes of a file
- added highlighting for HTML files
- reorganized "edit" menu
- changes to the file cache
- necessary tweaks to the file dependency technology
- arrays now merge correctly with "JSONTree.add(...)"
- objects now merge correctly with "JSONTree.buildFromObject(...)"
- added copy, cut & paste for JSON files
- added undo/redo
- better node deleting
- added confirm window upon closing unsaved tab
- bridge. now lets you choose between multiple Minecraft versions for auto-completions
- added auto-completions for spawn_groups and recipes
- added entity auto-completions for v1.11
- added spawn_rule auto-completions for v1.11
- added trade_table auto-completions for v1.11
- added default project setting
- plugin menu text is now centered
- new welcome screen
- changed "open all nodes" and "close all nodes" functionality
API Features & Changes:
- fixed & changed Bridge.open(...) plugin method
- added support for marking JSON nodes
- fixed JSON editor not updating correctly upon opening a node
- fixed plugin window close animation not playing
- fixed cache getting invalid content
- fixed moving global object throwing error
- fixed tabs showing as unsaved even if no JSON node was moved
- fixed error upon deleting a node
- fixed x-overflow of text renderer
- fixed file explorer not updating opened folders after switching project
- fixed edit input being unresponsive upon switching tabs
- fixed a bug where users could get auto-completions into an illegal state