Craftidore's Tavern! This will be the home of more generic TTRPG resources and knowledge. Currently it's a massive WIP.
I decided to go with 'fun' tavern-related folder names for the top-level directories. Don't worry, the rest of the folders are named normally. Here's a key for the rest:
- [[00-Behind-The-Bar]]
- Any meta information about the vault goes here, like an index of folders.
- Attachments/Templater scripts & generally things that make the vault work go here.
- [[10-The-Bar]]
- One-stop shop for finding things; here lies [[Help-whats-an-MoC|MoCs]] and various reference material not worthy of a note in the [[20-Bathroom-Library|Bathroom Library]].
- [[20-Bathroom-Library]]
- Other resources, summaries thereof, guides, etc.
- [[30-Quest-Board]]
- Adventure inspiration, courtesy of jethoof
- Notes in this vault are licensed under
- Templater Templates and Dataview Queries are licensed under