My site.
A 2013 rewrite, moving content from database to static files.
I write my stuff in plain text files in one of the content/{blog,books,pages,presentations,tweets}/ directories.
- The date is in the filename.
- The URI for final publishing is in the filename.
- The title is in the first line of the file.
- Any other metadata needed is at the top.
- The rest is the content body, often written in HTML.
Plain erb Ruby templates are in templates/
Shared header and footer for the whole site.
Much of it is just hard-coded HTML. (After all these years, I think it's easier to maintain than systems that hide the HTML.)
A Ruby script goes through all the content directories and reads the files.
- It starts an array for the collection of content in each subdirectory.
- It knows how to get the metadata needed for the different types and templates.
- It parses each file, gets the metadata, merges it into the template, and writes it to disk.
- Afterwards, it uses the collection array to merge with the index template, and writes that to disk.
- Finally, it uses all the collections to write the home page, which shows the newest additions of various types.
Zurb Foundation gem + SCSS + Compass is used to create the minified site/css/site.css file.
Styling made by @extend'ing in the SCSS file, instead of adding HTML attributes.
Nginx serves the final static site from the site/ directory.
Nginx passes certain paths by proxy to the dynamic Sinatra server, for dynamic pages.
Sinatra gets its templates from views/ including layout.erb, a clone of templates/header.erb and templates/footer.erb