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GoogleAnalyticsBridge npm version

Google Analytics Bridge is built to provide an easy interface to the native Google Analytics libraries on both iOS and Android.

Why a native bridge? Why not use just JavaScript?

The key difference with the native bridge is that you get a lot of the metadata handled automatically by the Google Analytics native library. This will include the device UUID, device model, viewport size, OS version etc.

You will only have to send in a few parameteres when tracking, e.g:

const GoogleAnalytics = require('react-native-google-analytics-bridge');

GoogleAnalytics.trackEvent('testcategory', 'testaction');

Installation with rnpm

  1. npm install --save react-native-google-analytics-bridge
  2. rnpm link react-native-google-analytics-bridge

With this, rnpm will do most of the heavy lifting for linking, but you will still need to do some of the manual steps below.

These are step 5 and 6 from the iOS installation, and step 4 from the Android installation. Specifically for Android step 4, you'll have to add the tracking id.

Manual installation iOS

  1. npm install --save react-native-google-analytics-bridge
  2. In XCode, right-click the Libraries folder under your project ➜ Add Files to <your project>.
  3. Go to node_modulesreact-native-google-analytics-bridgeiosRCTGoogleAnalyticsBridge and add the RCTGoogleAnalyticsBridge.xcodeproj file.
  4. Add libRCTGoogleAnalyticsBridge.a from the linked project to your project properties ➜ "Build Phases" ➜ "Link Binary With Libraries"
  5. Next you will have to link a few more SDK framework/libraries which are required by GA (if you do not already have them linked.) Under the same "Link Binary With Libraries", click the + and add the following:
  6. CoreData.framework
  7. SystemConfiguration.framework
  8. libz.tbd
  9. libsqlite3.0.tbd
  10. Under your project properties ➜ "Info", add a new line with the following:
  11. Key: GAITrackingId
  12. Type: String
  13. Value: UA-12345-1 (in other words, your own tracking id).
  14. Optional step: If you plan on using the advertising identifier (IDFA), then you need to do two things:
  15. Add AdSupport.framework under "Link Binary With Libraries". (As with the other frameworks in step 5).
  16. Go to Xcode ➜ LibrariesRCTGoogleAnalyticsBridge.xcodeproj ➜ right-click google-analytics-lib. Here you need to Add files to .., and add libAdIdAccess.a from the google-analytics-lib directory. This directory is located in the same node_modules path as in step 3.

Prerequisites for Android

Make sure you have the following SDK packages installed in the Android SDK Manager:

  • Google Repository
  • Google Play services
  • Google APIs (Atom) system image

Consult this guide if you are unsure how to do this. Specifically step 3 for the mentioned packages.

Manual installation Android

  1. npm install --save react-native-google-analytics-bridge
  2. Add the following in android/setting.gradle
include ':GoogleAnalyticsBridge', ':app'
project(':GoogleAnalyticsBridge').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-google-analytics-bridge/android')
  1. And the following in android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile project(':GoogleAnalyticsBridge')
  1. Register package in
// Step 1; import package:
import com.idehub.GoogleAnalyticsBridge.GoogleAnalyticsBridgePackage;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
                .addPackage(new MainReactPackage())
                // Step 2; register package, with your GA tracking id:
                .addPackage(new GoogleAnalyticsBridgePackage("UA-12345-1"))


Javascript API


  • screenName (required): String, name of current screen

Important: Calling this will also set the "current view" for other calls. So events tracked will be tagged as having occured on the current view, Home in this example. This means it is important to track navigation, especially if events can fire on different views.

See the Google Analytics docs for more info


trackEvent(category, action, optionalValues)

  • category (required): String, category of event
  • action (required): String, name of action
  • optionalValues: Object
    • label: String
    • value: Number

See the Google Analytics docs for more info.

GoogleAnalytics.trackEvent('testcategory', 'testaction');
// or
GoogleAnalytics.trackEvent('testcategory', 'testaction', {label: 'v1.0.3', value: 22});

trackTiming(category, value, optionalValues)

  • category (required): String, category of the timed event
  • value (required): Number, the timing measurement in milliseconds
  • optionalValues: Object
    • name: String, the name of the timed event
    • label: String, the label of the timed event

See the Google Analytics docs for more info.

GoogleAnalytics.trackTimingEvent('testcategory', 13000);
// or
GoogleAnalytics.trackTimingEvent('testcategory', 13000, {name: 'loadList', label: 'v1.0.3'});

trackPurchaseEvent(product, transaction, eventCategory, eventAction)

  • product (required): Object
    • id: String
    • name: String
    • category: String
    • brand: String
    • variant: String
    • price: Number
    • quantity: Number
    • couponCode: String
  • transaction (required): Object
    • id: String
    • affiliation: String, an entity with which the transaction should be affiliated (e.g. a particular store)
    • revenue: Number
    • tax: Number
    • shipping: Number
    • couponCode: String
  • eventCategory (required): String, defaults to "Ecommerce"
  • eventAction (required): String, defaults to "Purchase"

See the Google Analytics docs for more info.

  id: 'P12345',
  name: 'Android Warhol T-Shirt',
  category: 'Apparel/T-Shirts',
  brand: 'Google',
  variant: 'Black',
  price: 29.20,
  quantity: 1,
  couponCode: 'APPARELSALE'
}, {
  id: 'T12345',
  affiliation: 'Google Store - Online',
  revenue: 37.39,
  tax: 2.85,
  shipping: 5.34,
  couponCode: 'SUMMER2013'
}, 'Ecommerce', 'Purchase');

trackException(error, fatal)

  • error: String, a description of the exception (up to 100 characters), accepts nil
  • fatal (required): Boolean, indicates whether the exception was fatal, defaults to false

See the Google Analytics docs for more info.

try {
} catch(error) {
  GoogleAnalytics.trackException(error.message, false);

trackSocialInteraction(network, action, targetUrl)

  • network (required): String, name of social network (e.g. 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Google+')
  • action (required): String, social action (e.g. 'Like', 'Share', '+1')
  • targetUrl: String, url of content being shared

See the Google Analytics docs for more info.

GoogleAnalytics.trackSocialInteraction('Twitter', 'Post');


  • userId (required): String, an anonymous identifier that complies with Google Analytic's user ID policy

See the Google Analytics for more info.



  • enabled (required): Boolean, true to allow IDFA collection, defaults to true.

Important: For iOS you can only use this method if you have done the optional step 7 from the installation guide.

See the Google Analytics for more info.



This method takes a boolean parameter indicating if the dryRun flag should be enabled or not.

When enabled, GoogleAnalytics.setDryRun(true), the native library prevents any data from being sent to Google Analytics. This allows you to test or debug the implementation, without your test data appearing in your Google Analytics reports.


  • dryRun flag
  • Simple Ecommerce
  • Make the library more configureable


This library should work with at least React Native 0.11 and up, but has been tested mostly with 0.17.

I've decided to remove the React Native peerDependency since some users have had issues with how npm handles peerDependencies, especially with -rc versions.


React Native bridge to the Google Analytics libraries on both iOS and Android.







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  • Objective-C 73.2%
  • Java 15.4%
  • JavaScript 11.4%