Below are all the keystrokes/commands in the presentation for quick reference
Keystroke | Description |
CTRL-l | clear the screen without using the clear command |
Keystroke /Command | Description |
CTRL-p / CTRL-n | Go back in history list/go forward in history list |
CTRL-r | Reverse search history. |
^foo^bar | Replace ‘foo’ with ‘bar’ in first matching string of previous command |
!!:gs/foo/bar/ | Replace ’foo’ with ‘bar’ globally (for all matches of ‘foo’) in previous command (!!:s/foo/bar/ is the same as ^foo^bar) |
!! | Refer to previous command (in full) |
ESC . / ALT-. | Insert last argument to previous command (tap ESC then .) |
Keystrokes | Descritption |
CTRL-a / CTRL-e | go to beginning/end of line |
CTRL-f / CTRL-b | move forward/backward one character |
ALT-f / ALT-b | move forward/backwards one word |
CTRL-d / CTRL-h | delete forward/backward from cursor one character |
ALT-d / ALT-backspace | delete forward/backward from cursor one word |
CTRL-w | alternate of ALT-backspace |