Easy deploy your Ember applications via ssh using scp.
Install ember-cli-deploy first:
ember install ember-cli-deploy
Install ember-cli-deploy-build for automated building:
ember install ember-cli-deploy-build
Then install ember-cli-deploy-scp plugin
ember install ember-cli-deploy-scp
Edit your config/deploy.js
module.exports = function(environment){
var ENV = {
if (environment === 'production') {
ENV['scp'] = {
username: '<your-username>',
host: '<your-host>',
path: '<your-serverpath>'
return ENV;
and start deploying:
ember deploy production
Username to connect via SSH. required
Host (server address) to connect via SSH. required
Path where latest revision will be deployed to. (All older builds lands in parent directory). required
SSH port on target server, default: 22
Directory that will be uploaded, default: tmp/deploy-dist/
Exclude specified files and directories from uploading. optional
More complex logging. optional
Flags to pass to the rsync command, default: rtvu