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Poktrolld Docker-Compose Example

Key Terms

  • Morse - The current version of the Pocket Network MainNet (a.k.a v0).
  • Shannon - The upcoming version of the Pocket Network MainNet (a.k.a v1).
  • Validator - A node that participates in the consensus process.
    • In MorseSame in Morse and Shannon.
    • In Shannon
  • Node - A Morse actor that stakes to provide Relay services.
    • In Morse - All Validator are nodes but only the top 1000 stakes Nodes are Validators
    • This actor is not present in Shannon and decoupled into Supplier and a RelayMiner.
  • Supplier - The on-chain actor that stakes to provide Relay services.
    • In Shannon - This actor is responsible needs access to a Full Node (sovereign or node).
  • RelayMiner - The off-chain service that provides Relay services on behalf of a Supplier.
    • In Shannon - This actor is responsible for providing the Relay services.
  • AppGate Server - The off-chain service that provides Relay services on behalf of an Application or Gateway.

For more details, please refer to the Shannon actors documentation.


  • Copy-paste the image from Shannon actors documentation here
  • Move this documentation to
  • Create a table comparing the actors in Morse and Shannon
  • Simplify the copy-pasta commands by leveraging
  • Publicly expose this document on how to do a re-genesis

Understanding Actors in the Shannon upgrade

For those familiar with Morse, Pocket Network Mainnet,, the introduction of multiple node types in the upcoming Shannon requires some explanation.

In Shannon, the Supplier role is separated from the Full node role.

In Morse, a Validator or a staked Node was responsible for both holding a copy of the on-chain data, as well as performing relays. With Shannon, the RelayMiner software, which runs the supplier logic, is distinct from the full-node/validator.

Furthermore, Shannon introduces the AppGate Server, a software component that acts on behalf of either Applications or Gateways to access services provided by Pocket Network Suppliers via RelayMiners.

For more details, please refer to the Shannon actors documentation.


Note: he system must be capable of exposing ports to the internet for peer-to-peer communication.

0. Software & Tooling

Ensure the following software is installed on your system:

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd poktroll-docker-compose-example

2. Operational Helpers

Run the following command, or add it to your ~/.bashrc to have access to helpers:


3. Environment Variables

Create and configure your .env file from the sample:

cp .env.sample .env

Update NODE_HOSTNAME in .env to the IP address or hostname of your node. For example:

sed -i -e  s/NODE_HOSTNAME/69.42.690.420/g .env

A. Deploying a Full Node

1. Download Network Genesis

The Poktrolld blockchain deploys various networks: DevNet, TestNet, MainNet, etc...

Access the list of Poktrolld networks available for community participation at Poktrolld Networks.

Download and place the genesis.json for your chosen network (e.g., testnet-validated) into the poktrolld/config directory:

E.g. Testnet-validated:

curl > poktrolld-data/config/genesis.json

2. Launch the Node

Note: You may need to replace docker-compose with docker compose if you are running a newer version of Docker.

Initiate the node with:

docker-compose up -d poktrolld

Monitor node activity through logs with:

docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 poktrolld

3. Add PNF (funding) Account

:::tip TODO: Faucet

Change to using faucet instead of pnf


Add the pnf account to environment so you can fund all of your accounts

poktrolld keys add --recover -i pnf

When you see the > Enter your bip39 mnemonic prompt, paste the mnemonic provided by the Pocket team for testnet.

When you see the > Enter your bip39 passphrase. This is combined with the mnemonic to derive the seed. Most users should just hit enter to use the default, "" prompt, hit enter without adding a passphrase. Finish funding your account by using the command below:

4. Restarting a full node after re-genesis

If the team has completed a re-genesis, you will need to wipe existing data and restart your node from scratch. The following is a quick and easy way to start from a clean slate:

# Stop & remove existing containers
docker-compose down
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) -f

# Remove existing data and renew genesis
rm -rf poktrolld-data/config/addrbook.json poktrolld-data/config/genesis.json poktrolld-data/data/
curl > poktrolld-data/config/genesis.json

# Re-start the node
docker compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f --tail 100

Inspecting the Full Node

CometBFT Status

curl -s -X POST localhost:26657/status | jq

Latest Block

curl -s -X POST localhost:26657/block | jq

B. Creating a Supplier and Deploying a RelayMiner

Supplier is an on-chain record that advertises services it'll provide.

RelayMiner is an operator / service that provides services to offer on the Pocket Network.

0. Prerequisites for a RelayMiner

  • Full Node: This RelayMiner deployment guide assumes the Full Node is deployed in the same docker-compose stack; see section A.
  • A poktroll account with uPOKT tokens: Tokens can be acquired by contacting the team. You are going to need a BIP39 mnemonic phrase for an existing funded account.

1. Create, configure and fund a Supplier account

On the host where you started the full node container, run the commands below to create your account.

Create a new supplier account:

poktrolld keys add supplier-1
  1. Copy the mnemonic that's printed to the screen to the SUPPLIER_MNEMONIC variable in your .env file.

    export SUPPLIER_MNEMONIC="foo bar ..."
  2. Save the outputted address to a variable for simplicity::

    export SUPPLIER_ADDR="pokt1..."

Make sure to:

source .env

And fund your supplier account:

poktrolld tx bank send pnf $SUPPLIER_ADDR 10000upokt --chain-id=poktroll --yes

You can check that your address is funded correctly by running:

poktrolld query bank balances $SUPPLIER_ADDR

If you're waiting to see if your transaction has been included in a block, you can run:

poktrolld query tx --type=hash <hash>

2. Configure and stake your Supplier

:::tip Supplier staking config explains what supplier staking config is and how it can be used.


Verify that the account you're planning to use for SUPPLIER (created above) is available in your local Keyring:

poktrolld keys list --list-names | grep "supplier-1"

Update the provided example supplier stake config:

sed -i -e s/YOUR_NODE_IP_OR_HOST/$NODE_HOSTNAME/g ./stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml

Use the configuration to stake your supplier:

poktrolld tx supplier stake-supplier --config=./stake_configs/supplier_stake_config_example.yaml --from=supplier-1 --chain-id=poktroll --yes

:::warning Upstaking to restake

If you need to change any of the configurations in your staking config, you MUST increase the stake by at least one uPOKT. This is the stake_amount field in the supplier_stake_config_example.yaml file above.


Verify your supplier is staked:

poktrolld query supplier show-supplier $SUPPLIER_ADDR

3. Configure and run your RelayMiner

:::tip RelayMiner operation config explains what the RelayMiner operation config is and how it can be used.


Update the provided example RelayMiner operation config:

sed -i -e s/YOUR_NODE_IP_OR_HOST/$NODE_HOSTNAME/g relayminer-example/config/relayminer_config.yaml

Update the backend_url in relayminer_config.yaml with a valid 0021 (i.e. ETH MainNet) service URL. We suggest using your own node, but you can get one from Grove for testing purposes.

sed -i -e s/backend_url: ""/backend_url: "<APP_ID>"/g relayminer-example/config/relayminer_config.yaml

Start up the RelayMiner:

docker-compose up -d relayminer-example

Check logs and confirm the node works as expected:

docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 relayminer-example

C. Deploying an AppGate Server

AppGate Server allows to use services provided by other operators on Pocket Network.

0. Prerequisites for an AppGate Server

  • Full Node: This AppGate Server deployment guide assumes the Full Node is deployed in the same docker-compose stack; see section A.
  • A poktroll account with uPOKT tokens: Tokens can be acquired by contacting the team. You are going to need a BIP39 mnemonic phrase for an existing funded account.

1. Create, configure and fund your Application

On the host where you started the full node container, run the commands below to create your account.

Create a new application account:

poktrolld keys add application-1
  1. Copy the mnemonic that's printed to the screen to the APPLICATION_MNEMONIC variable in your .env file.

    export APPLICATION_MNEMONIC="foo bar ..."
  2. Save the outputted address to a variable for simplicity::

    export APPLICATION_ADDR="pokt1..."

Make sure to:

  source .env

And fund your application account:

poktrolld tx bank send pnf $APPLICATION_ADDR 10000upokt --chain-id=poktroll --yes

You can check that your address is funded correctly by running:

poktrolld query bank balances $APPLICATION_ADDR

Assuming the account you're planning to use for AppGate Server is already available in your local Keyring (can check with poktrolld keys list), create an application stake config and run the stake command. This documentation page explains what application staking config is and how it can be used. This command can be used as an example:

poktrolld tx application stake-application --config=./stake_configs/application_stake_config_example.yaml --from=application-1 --chain-id=poktroll --yes

2. Configure and stake your Application

:::tip Application staking config explains what application staking config is and how it can be used.


Verify that the account you're planning to use for APPLICATION (created above) is available in your local Keyring:

poktrolld keys list --list-names | grep "application-1"

Use the configuration to stake your supplier:

poktrolld tx application stake-application --config=./stake_configs/application_stake_config_example.yaml --from=application-1 --chain-id=poktroll --yes

Verify your application is staked

poktrolld query application show-application $APPLICATION_ADDR

3. Configure and run your AppGate Server

:::tip AppGate Server operation config explains what the AppGate Server operation config is and how it can be used.



docker-compose up -d appgate-server-example

Check logs and confirm the node works as expected:

docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 appgate-server-example

4. Send a relay

You can send requests to the newly deployed AppGate Server. If there are any Suppliers on the network that can provide the service, the request will be routed to them.

The endpoint you want to send request to is: http://your_node:appgate_server_port/service_id. For example, this is how the request can be routed to ethereum represented by 0021:

curl http://$NODE_HOSTNAME:85/0021 \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

You should expect a result that looks like so:



A docker-compose starter to run Poktroll Full Node.






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