For my new-to-2020 emonCMS production server, I decided to use the standard backup module written for emonCMS. The plan is to use a cron task to run the standard script on a nightly basis. From there the idea will be to use a modified version of Paul Reed’s Dropbox-Archive script to upload the archive to Dropbox and manage the number of archives to keep.
cd ~ git clone chmod +x ./dropbox-archive/ ./dropbox-archive/
The last command will give the instructions for setting up the Dropbox token.
Notes about this.
- Dropbox API has changed and I can no longer create a compatible “legacy app” that works with the Antonio Frabrizi dropbox-uploader utility. So I am using the original emoncms-backup app I've had since implementing Paul Reeds dropbox-archive utility years ago, and I wrote my new script to include the ability to set a destination folder in the settings.conf. For the new 2020 emonCMS prod I used the folder /emoncms-prod. For my existing 2019 server, I continue to use /backups/ in the same app folder, as an example.
- I continue to need to disabled the chunked upload, which I suspect has to do with a change in the API that the script is not respecting. So that is commented out in the copy of Andrea Fabrizi's script in the /lib folder.
I did this as the pi user, not the superuser. It is logging to /home/pi/dropbox-archive.log
crontab -e
Add this line and save.
0 4 * * * /home/pi/dropbox-archive/ > /home/pi/dropbox-archive.log 2>&1
Thanks to Paul Reed for all his work on this and so many things I use in my home setup. Thanks to Andrea Fabrizi for his Dropbox_uploader script.