Calculate structure-function coupling at a local level as in Esfahlani et al (2021).
This script uses MATLAB. It was tested using MATLAB 2020a on macOS Mojave 10.14.6. It requires no additional software packages.
Download and unzip the directory, open MATLAB, and then navigate to wherever you downloaded the files. You can run the script from within that directory.
- Group-representative sc/fc/euclidean distance in 400-node parcellation.
- Directory containing functions for generating predictors based on sc matrix.
- Example script to implement the procedure.
- Reads in sc/fc/euclidean distance data
- Generates a set of predictors
- Calculates local (regional) correlations of predictors with FC.
- Replace variables sc, fc, d with your own structural connectivity, functional connectivity, and inter-regional Euclidean distance matrix.
Runtime for entire script is < 10 s.
If you use this code, please cite: Esfahlani, F. Z., Faskowitz, J., Slack, J., Misic, B., & Betzel, R. (2021). Local structure-function relationships in human brain networks across the human lifespan. bioRxiv. (link to paper)