Scripts for ECG to FAA analysis
- training_MDL_hrv.mat: contains the gaussian process regression model from "Bedside tracking of functional autonomic age in preterm infants" manuscript
- ecg_to_faa_example: a brief run through of ECG epoch selection (example ECG epoch provided; option to reject/accept epochs), calculation of HRV features from the ECG and age estimation based on trained model
- ecg_to_nn_estimation: code to extract the NN interval from the ECG
- calculate_features: the HRV features to be extracted following NN interval estimation
MATLAB, tested on versions 2020b and 2022a
If our scripts are used to inform your work, please cite us:
Iyer, K.K., et al. Bedside tracking of functional autonomic age in preterm infants. Pediatr Res (2022).