Takes a tinydns zone and a list of slave addresses, sends a "NOTIFY" message only to slaves that are running BIND, and only when their zones have changed. Modified by me, from the original script by Andrew Pam, for machines with multiple IP addresses.
Update 2019-10-08: I haven't updated, or used, the code in this project in a very long time. You might find some inspiration from it, but otherwise please consider it to be unsupported.
- djbdns
- Perl (with the Net::DNS module)
From the original file: Distribute and modify freely, providing attribution is preserved
Copyright (c) 2001-02 Serious Cybernetics
- Partially inspired by dnsnotify by Jos Backus and James Raftery
- Written 2001-02-20 by Andrew Pam (xanni |at| sericyb |dot| com |dot| au)
- Modified 2002-08-22 to support records that define nameserver addresses
- Modified 2002-08-30 to support "." records as well as "&" records
- Modified 2008-04-02 by Brad Peczka (brad |at| bradpeczka |dot| com) to support systems with secondary/multihomed IP addresses