Meshtastic interactive command-line chat
- git clone
- cd meshtastic-cli-chat
- python3 -m venv myvenv
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If using Windows, you will need to install curses with:
- pip3 install windows-curses
- Decide if you will be connecting to your node via TCP or Serial. If using TCP, edit '', and configure both your Nodes IP address, and the channel index you want to operate on (normally 0). If using Serial, edit '', and configure both your serial port address for your node (usually either /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0), and the channel index you want to operate on (normally 0). If using Windows, set your serial port like this: "COM4". You can find the COM# in Device Manager.
- If using Serial: python
- If using Tcp: python
- Use the /help command for, funnily enough, help!
- Handle screen resizes gracefully
- Handle message acknowledgements