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this is a terraform template to deploy Pivotal Cloud Foundry Operations Manager to AzureStack

it is NOT an officially supported Pivotal Template, however, it is aligned to Terraforming Azure

It uses unmanaged disks as the terraform provider for AzureStack does not support Custom Managed Images for now.


  • clone the repo
  • download terraform < 0.12
  • azurestack <= 1904 ( 1905 is broken with terraform <=0.7.0)

To get started, set the Following Environment Variables:


Terraform Enfironment

$ENV:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = <your supscription id>
$ENV:ARM_CLIENT_ID       = <your client id>
$ENV:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET   = <your client secret>
$ENV:ARM_TENANT_ID       = <your tenant id >
$ENV:ARM_LOCATION        = <your azure region>

Terraform Deployment Variables

$env:TF_VAR_subscription_id = $ENV:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
$env:TF_VAR_client_id      = $ENV:ARM_CLIENT_ID
$env:TF_VAR_client_secret  = $ENV:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET
$env:TF_VAR_tenant_id      = $ENV:ARM_TENANT_ID 
$env:TF_VAR_location       = $ENV:ARM_LOCATION
$env:TF_VAR_ops_manager_image_uri      = <url to ops manager image on Azure or local Stack"


Tearraform Environment

export ARM_ENDPOINT="https://management.local.azurestack.external"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = <your supscription id>
export ARM_CLIENT_ID       = <your client id>
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET   = <your client secret>
export ARM_TENANT_ID       = <your tenant id >
export ARM_LOCATION        = <your azure region>

Terraform Deployment Variables

export TF_VAR_subscription_id = ${ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
export TF_VAR_client_id      = ${ARM_CLIENT_ID}
export TF_VAR_client_secret  = ${ARM_CLIENT_SECRET}
export TF_VAR_tenant_id      = ${ARM_TENANT_ID}
export TF_VAR_location       = ${ARM_LOCATION}
export TF_VAR_ops_manager_image_uri = <url to ops manager image on Azure or AzureStack>

create a terraform.tfvars in terraforming-pas with the following content: (or use additional environemnt variables)


env_name              = "banana"
dns_suffix            = ""
env_short_name        = "fruit"

run the following:

cd to terraforming-pas
terraform init
terraform apply