- BOSSA tool
- X-code command line tools
- Homebrew
- Once brew is installed, install the
by running the following command in the terminal
- Once brew is installed, install the
brew install libusb dfu-util
Install the Bossa tool. For ease of access the installer has been made available as part of this repository. You can always find the latest version from the release folder of the tool's repository.
Erase the flash of the microcontroller and load the ROM bootloader by shorting J203 with a jumper cable. Restart the board with the pins shorted and wait for up to 5 seconds, and then power off the board again.
Run the below command and then power on the board and run it again. Note the additional device detected.
ls /dev/tty.*
Note: If no device is detected, check the cables and connection to the board.
- Assuming the BOSSA tool is installed, run the following on the terminal in this directory
bossac -e -w -v -b -p /dev/tty/"device name" Bootloader_APP2.0.bin
Upon completion of the bootloader firmware update, restart the board with Button 2 pressed.
Navigate to the app20-flash directory and build the app20-flash tool by running
in the terminal. -
Use the tool to load the application board firmware by executing the following in the app2.0
./app20_flash DevelopmentDesktop_2.0_Firmware_V3.4.fwu2
- Restart the board.