ecrtools is a small cli for listing ECR repos and searching for images in ECR. Easily print repos and images stats
NOTE: Python 3 support only.
pip install ecrtools
$ ecr repos
my-app images: 82 untagged: 3 size: 33.9GB
my-app-auto-tests images: 5 untagged: 0 size: 2.5GB
$ ecr images my-app f5f84a5
2019-03-19 14:56:42-07:00 438.7MB f5f84a5
2019-03-19 14:56:34-07:00 417.2MB awscp-f5f84a5
images: 2 untagged: 0 total size: 0.9GB
$ ecr images my-app head
2019-04-01 18:14:39-07:00 378.3MB rev-source-update, 742f07e, head
images: 1 untagged: 0 total size: 0.4GB
$ ecr images my-app
2019-04-01 18:14:39-07:00 378.3MB rev-source-update, 742f07e, head
2019-04-01 18:14:31-07:00 378.3MB pr-1376
images: 82 untagged: 3 total size: 33.9GB