DAnimation object is used to animate ease with bezier functions
TweenMax.to($('selector'), 1.5, {left:"80%", ease: DAnimation.bezier(0.04,0.86,0.8,1)});
DomTransitions object is used to simplyfy writing animations, it enables to write animations rules from html
No need to position element on the start with css, we use data-from attribute to set the dom to proper position and we use data-to to define target position and css attributes. We can use delay, duration and animation to define ease function
<h1 data-transform
data-from="transform:translate(0px,-100px), opacity: 0"
data-to="transform:translate(0px,0px), opacity:1, duration:0.6, delay:0.3, animation:Power2.easeOut"
with DomTransition.start() we position the elements on it's starting position
with DomTransition.animate() we begin the animation and animate attributes defined in data-to